Add Furni Issue

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New Member
Jul 5, 2014

I’ve been trying to add new furni for a while now. But I don’t really know how I can solve the following issue. I’ve downloaded a furni pack with SQL’s and Furnidata. When I added just 1 furni to test if it worked using the default item ID given in the SQL’s it worked just fine. But when I tried to add the complete package I had to change all the item ID’s as most of them were already in use by other furni. So I changed all the ID’s in all the SQL’s and the Furnidata. But now when I test the furni, they don’t work anymore. And the furni which original ID’s was already in use by another Furni now just displays an icon of the already in use furni ID. And the other ID’s which weren’t in use in the first place don’t show anything.

How can I solve this?

Kind Regards,
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