Well this was exchanged from my savings account. I moved to Japan and needed to take out enough to sustain me for a good amount of time. This is just the cash I had left for personal uses like clothes, food, and emergencies after I paid for starting tuition and rent. I counted $3,286 which will convert to nearly 300,000 yen I believe. I spent alot during cyber monday and I don't regret it at all. I could probably use this to pay for a few months rent if need be but I still found a job, it's insurance if I ever get into a bind.You get paid in cash?
It would pay bills for a month at my house lelWell this was exchanged from my savings account. I moved to Japan and needed to take out enough to sustain me for a good amount of time. This is just the cash I had left for personal uses like clothes, food, and emergencies after I paid for starting tuition and rent. I counted $3,286 which will convert to nearly 300,000 yen I believe. I spent alot during cyber monday and I don't regret it at all. I could probably use this to pay for a few months rent if need be but I still found a job, it's insurance if I ever get into a bind.
Don't we all have oneHentai addiction I see