2017 Community Awards: All invalid votes


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
For those who haven't seen it, ! Banners are also done, I'm just waiting for someone with permissions to add the Imgur album to the thread. However, it seemed fun to show everyone all the votes which weren't counted because they somehow broke the rules (yes, I did it too).

- Best Newbie vote from @Mikee (voting for himself)
- Most Hated vote from @PrincessNathan for @Westyy (2nd vote for the same category)
- Want to meet IRL vote from @Lethargic for @Sledmore @Wouto @Bossman @RastaLulz @Khalil @Ecko @JynX (2nd, 3th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th vote for the same category)
- Most Helpful vote from @Br4n for @Pinkinum @Yoshi @HypeRageQuit (2nd, 3th, 4th vote for the same category)
- Want to meet IRL vote from @griimnak for @Pinkinum (2nd vote for the same category)
- Most Missed vote from @Khalil for @Sysode (2nd vote for the same category)
- Most Professional vote from @Khalil for @Kaz (2nd vote for the same category)
- Friendliest vote from @Khalil for @Sledmore @Shorty (2nd, 3th vote for the same category)
- Most Popular vote from @Khalil for @Kryptos @RastaLulz (2nd, 3th vote for the same category)
- Want to meet IRL vote from @Khalil for @Ethereal @griimnak (2nd, 3th vote for the same category)
- Most Inspirational vote from @Khalil for @Quackster (2nd vote for the same category)
- Want to meet IRL vote from @Markshall for @RastaLulz (2nd vote for the same category)
- Biggest Spammer vote from @Markshall (voting for himself)
- Most Inspirational vote from @Westyy for @Quackster (2nd vote for the same category)
- Most Hated vote from @Westyy for @PrincessNathan (2nd vote for the same category)
- Want to meet IRL vote from @Wess for @Sledmore @bigdawg @Sysode @TesoMayn @Canadian @Ecko @Khalil (2nd, 3th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th vote for the same category)
- Most Professional vote from @Quackster for @Adil (2nd vote for the same category)
- Want to meet IRL vote from @Adil for @Markshall @RastaLulz @Canadian @Sledmore @Quackster @Khalil @TesoMayn @Ecko (2nd, 3th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th vote for the same category)
- Most Helpful vote from @JMS fpr @Sledmore (2nd vote for the same category)
- Most Hated vote from @Muff for "hash" (unexisting user)
- Want to meet IRL vote from @Muff for @pimp @Hashh @Jaden (2nd, 3th, 4th vote for the same category)
- Want to meet IRL vote from @Ethereal for @Adil @Khalil @griimnak (2nd, 3th, 4th vote for the same category)
- Want to meet IRL vote from @Lotus for "Kieren" (unexisting user)
- Want to meet IRL vote from @Clif for @Markshall @bigdawg @Canadian @Sledmore @Quackster @Khalil @TesoMayn @Ecko (2nd, 3th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th vote for the same category)
- Want to meet IRL vote from @Canadian for @RastaLulz (2nd vote for the same category)


Dec 6, 2011
Thanks for letting others and I know of how to make it harder for you (or whoever does the counting next year, should you not be around) next time. :)

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