
  1. SamoaJoe

    [Plus EMU] Black Screen Error [Help needed]

    I created my own retro from this link turns out yes, I created my R63B retro, I can register and stuff but when I try to connect to the client, the screen goes black and won't load up. Someone...
  2. P

    PlusEMU Error

    I have that when something is trying to play (76%)
  3. B

    Group badge editor does not work. It's white.[plusemu]

    Help! I've tried everything, nothing works.
  4. H

    Trouble using SSL certificate on plusEmu (https)

    Hi Everyone. Today i started working on implementing https everywhere. I ran into an issue when loading the client which i will show below. The client goes to hotel and after that it disconnects the user from the client. Demo 1 (Without HTTPS) (Works) ...
  5. A

    Plus EMU Room Bundles

    Hey DevBest, I'm having trouble with room bundles and I want them fixed, can anyone of you help me? If you get it working you will get a reward. Sorry for my bad English.
  6. U


    Hey guys, I use the FluxRP CMS with the FluxRP Emu (PlusEmu). Everything is working fine when i use my server ip. If i want to use my proxy ip in the client.php the client loads till 76% and stuck. client.php: (CMS) "" : "proxyIP", "" : "proxyPORT"...
  7. OCvReckeR

    Plusemu Catalogue doesn't work for anyone

    I am using Plusemu Build 1 and used a tut the link is: . Everything else works except buying items/furni ? I have tried cleaning my personal cache and CloudFlare cache but that...
  8. Coz

    Cannot walk into rooms! (need help asap)

    Hi guys, I've recently opened up a hotel with everything set and up-to date. Once i hopped onto the client everything was working fine, I enter a room and all of a sudden I can't walk in a room but stay at the door? Could someone please help me out as I will appreciate it! Thanks.
  9. M2ohaa

    Help fix the soccer [PLUS]

    Hello guys i want t fix the soccer.cs !! :c my problem : I want to fix it like :
  10. Yorick

    Custom Enables - how to make

    Best people from DevBest, i want to make a custom enable because i got PlusEMU i have added a :brb and :afk command but when you use it it applys the Enable 200 and 201 and i have made a real nice Brb enable (that one from Phoenix) same for AFK, But i don't now how to add custom enables to my...
  11. JAysz0nJA

    [PlusEmu] PRODUCTION-201706132204-532504589 - Packets

    Hi, The title says it all. I don't provide a cracked swf nor the rsa keys since you can crack the swf yourself (probably), if not just don't use it? Since you're not allowed to type more than 20000 characters I'll provide direct download links...
  12. MrArmani

    PlusEmu to Comet

    Hello we have an hotel under plusemu and we want to go to comet but we dont know how to convert the database, please help me
  13. TomasLegend

    When i go into the Catalogue i get redirected to /me R63B plus emu braincms

    Hi, In my testing hotel everything looks okay until i go into the catalogue which also looks fine until you click an item which redirects me to /me. Also notice how my character is not loading I am using Hamachi! The console does not show any errors! Any help is much appreciated! If any files...
  14. U

    PlusEmu - Change Eventalert ?

    Hey there The :eventalert (:eha) is nothing else as the normal hotel alert. Now i have a question about it: How i can change the eventalert that it haves at the Alert itself a button (Buttontext: Go to Event) and if a user click on this button he automatically follow the User who made this...
  15. U

    PlusEmu - Custom Clothes ERROR

    Hey there, I have a little problem. I added a custom clothes pack like this: SWF-Files are in --> gordon/production.........../ figuredata.xml & figuremap.xml are in --> swf/gamedata/ I replace the figuredata.xml in debug/extra/ with the new one from the clothing package. But if i restart my...
  16. U

    Can someone make these few customs Commands/Features ? (PlusEmu)

    Hey there, I had a few ideas of custom commands and features... i think these could be nice ! AFK-System: If you are in a specificated room (Room number is set in the Emu) and type command :afksys then the User walks automatically walk through the room and you get every 30 Minutes 500 Credits...
  17. U

    PlusEmu - Command ONLY for Friends ???

    Hey there, I have a question! I start coding a few very very simple Commands. Now I am coding a "shoot"-Command ... I know, nothing special and not even hard but this is my third command :) My question now is: How I can do that this command can only be run if the target user is my friend? Here...
  18. U

    PlusEmu - Custom Bubbles don't Work - fix ?

    Hey there, You see my problem in the title of this thread. The custom speech-bubbles (PlusEmu) don't work for me. I don't get any error's or something else - they simply don't work! Somebody know how i can fix that ?
  19. U

    PlusEmu dubugging problem

    Hi there, I would like to add the massgive Command to my PlusEmu. But something gone wrong - I debug the file i'd edited and then i start the Emu at the normal folder. But nothing has changed .... Can someone tell me what i've done wrong ? :) PS: When I debugging it shows a message: Failed to...
  20. U

    PlusEmu + Proxy = Connection denied - too many connections (HELP)

    Hi, I use a TCP Proxy for now! Now my PlusEmu shows this error: Connection denied from <ProxyIP>. Too many connections How I can fix this and still be safe ? Only increase the values at Emuconfig ? And if so, which value ? (game.tcp.conlimit=100000 or client.maxrequests=300 ? Or both ?)