
  1. G

    Kirsikka - A bridge between modern and oldskool

    Hello, First I want to say, this is a hobby project. It will be open source and free, but it isn't meant to be something big. I write this as it's just something I wanted to try out. If it turns out well, I don't mind contributing to the community. If it doesn't, well whatever happens, it is...
  2. C

    Problems with WebSocket - Plus Emulator

    Hello, I'm having some problems on my WebSocket, could someone help me solve this? The situation is as follows: The connection is usually made when the user enters the client, everything works, but when there is an internet oscillation of the person, the connection closes and is disconnected...
  3. MellerReal

    Habbo Battle Royale

    Habbo: Battle Royale Concept by Joseph Francis. Habbo Battle Royale is a (in-development) web-based virtual-world multiplayer game. The idea behind the project is to use the concept of Habbo Hotel, creating a whole new environment with the battlers joining a virtual-world where they fight to be...
  4. MayoMayn

    Titan ~ Modern Node.js Framework

    Titan is a reactive modern decorator based Node.js framework. The idea behind this project is making backend coding different from how it's done using other frameworks. Features: Realtime strategies Fast and modern Lifecycles Routing Multi SQL ORM Dependency injection And more to come ...
  5. A

    Common.js:25 error and fullcontent.js:1 error (PlusEMU frozen on 76% loading)

    Hey guys, Ive got a bit of an error with the client, everything is linked correctly with ext vars and emulator config as i am loading everything until i get to 76% loading on the client. 1st error: Uncaught ReferenceError: Class is not defined at VM22 common.js:25 2nd error...
  6. U

    Client White Screen

    Hey devbest, My client will not work - it just show me white screen everytime. These are the errors which i can see via chrome console: Can somebody tell me exactly how i can fix these that i can go in my client without problems (whitescreen) ...
  7. U

    Hide IP with Javascript

    Hey there, I saw something in the HoloRP Cms and i have a question about it. <?php $hosts = array( 'ip:port', 'ipb:port', //'ipc:port', //'ipd:portb', //'ipe:port' ); $wshosts = array( 'ip:sport', 'ipb:sport'...
  8. MayoMayn

    TrinityJS - Minimalistic web framework

    TrinityJS is a ReactJS inspired web framework solely made for the purpose of being fast, simple and lightweight. Example of usage: Features: Reusable components Routing Store Authentication wrappers for routing through store...
  9. RastaLulz

    React vs. Vue?

    Looking for some opinions on which framework to choose. For context, we're rewriting our software from the ground up at work, and we're looking to move away from Angular 1 to either React or Vue. We initially moved to Angular 1 in about July of last year, based on the decision of one developer...
  10. TesoMayn

    Interested in learning something useful?

    Egghead is a video tutorial site for a few langues. They also provide tutorials for many frameworks, libraries, tools and platforms I highly suggest checking them out if you enjoy learning.
  11. MayoMayn

    I'm running into an issue regarding getting all clients associated with a room. I feel like there lacks a lot of documentation, and all Stackoverflow answers are outdated. Back in v1 you could do this to retrieve the clients: io.sockets.clients(roomId) So does any of you know how that is done now?
  12. B

    Bootstrap Tours - Element Disappears when clicking next button.

    hello everyone. I'm trying to use bootstrap tours ( Everything works fine but, when I click 'next' button the element is disappearing once the popover is passed. My code : How can I solve this? Thanks
  13. MayoMayn

    Show DevBest [JS Standard] - Potato Cache

    Basically what the title says, a Potato Cache for Nodejs that has been standardized. The reason for actually making this package, is because I'll be later on releasing 2 other packages that requires this one. Aswell as I'm trying to code a proxy integration package for Electron. npm...
  14. MayoMayn

    Suggestions to streaming application name

    Since I am so bad at finding titles for my work, I therefore will give a random sub worth of $1 to a user, who can come up with the best name for my streaming app. I will attach a poll with all the suggestions, and from there pick a "winner". Need some inspiration? Try Brandbucket...
  15. MayoMayn

    Show DevBest [ES6 - JS] Secure Session Management

    Well, I saw some folks on here who wanted to get some knowledge about JavaScript from scratch. I wrote two components for my Electron app, and I then decided just to release them as a separate thread so that other people can enjoy this. It uses the CryptoJS module by Google for encrypting and...
  16. MayoMayn

    [Electron + Angular + TypeScript] Venobo Streaming App

    Venobo is like Popcorn Time, but 100 times better! An incredible smooth design, and powered by TMDb's fantastic API. You can even choose from which torrent indexes and releases groups to sort by to ensure the best quality. This is simply an option, otherwise it'll be automated. Created using...
  17. S

    Best practice to learn these in 10 weeks

    Hello I will start working at a software development company and is a bit stuck with how I should learn all these as fast as possible in 10 weeks and what would be the best practice for it. Their systems is based in Java and JS, I know these already. Here is a list of techniques I have to learn...
  18. FirefighterKyle

    Java and css help

    Hello everyone I have been working on a site for myself for a good 4 hours. I ran across some problems but fixed most of it if you wish to view my failure in the beginning feel free to scroll to the bottom. (I am leaving it up so other can see what I have redone etc so hopefully it will help...