If you don't know already, Muscab (the owner of Fresh Hotel) bans users that purchase ranks on the Fresh Hotel store. (Unless it's a monthly rank). In other words, he scams people that use the store. He uses the reason that it's to help 'fix' the economy and also to make more space for new users...
Fresh Hotel exclusive footage showing more evidence & information about users, whom shop at the store, being scammed by Muscab (Kane) as well as screenshots providing MORE evidence supporting Kylie's unacceptable behaviour which has developed into racism & bullying. (Yes, Kylie, being racist and...
You can read more about this theme on my main thread(As im using this thread to post images and such) by clicking here or you can use this link https://devbest.com/threads/release-revcms-habbo-layout-template-habbophp-style-march-16-2015-version-3-5-1.45962/.
I'm using this release to fix all...