client 76%

  1. Izet

    76% Problem as of this morning.

    Hello there, So my hotel has been up and running with CosmicCMS/Arcturus EMU for nearly 3 weeks now with no major problems that were really noticeable to my players. However this morning after quite a good night's sleep I wake up to messages on my discord server and DMs about how this morning...
  2. Nikouw

    [SOLVED] Problems with the emulator (76%)

    Hi! Im new here and i have a little problem with the infinite 76% loading screen. I need to know if the emulator (comet) needs the "localhost" IP, the private machine IP (172.16.XXX.XXX in my case) or the public IP of the machine. The machine is in a Windows 10 VMware virtualization with a NAT...
  3. Malekdddddddd

    HoloRP 76%

    Good evening, I used the HoloRP pack and the clinet blocked at 76% (everything was configured correctly), I show you the console: Please help
  4. proW163

    Stuck at client 76% arcturus

  5. Fly34567

    Client stuck at 76% Plus Emu

    I was creating a hotel using Plus Emu. External Texts: Client.php: Client.ini: External Texts Override: Can someone please help me?
  6. A

    Common.js:25 error and fullcontent.js:1 error (PlusEMU frozen on 76% loading)

    Hey guys, Ive got a bit of an error with the client, everything is linked correctly with ext vars and emulator config as i am loading everything until i get to 76% loading on the client. 1st error: Uncaught ReferenceError: Class is not defined at VM22 common.js:25 2nd error...
  7. Coz


    as you all know this is a known issue. I have configured everything correctly with both client & emu and somehow i still get the 76% disconnects and is showing for example '2 users online' when there isn't, can someone please help me out asap cheers!
  8. Markurt

    PlusEMU errors

    To whom this may concern I've successfully managed to setup my very own retro Unfortunately I keep receiving errors when attempting to enter the client Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. -One screenshot included
  9. OnOff2020

    Another Guy stuck at 76%

    Hey Guys, I´m stuck at 76% with the BrainCMS and the PlusEMU. Can´t post links so I just Attached all the things you need. Can´t upload .php so I made them .txt . (Redone this post know 3 times because of this :tired:) Pls just ignore the https. It´s 04:19 (now 04:31) and I´m a bit tired by...
  10. Marko97

    FIX ERROR SAVING ROOM SETTINGS [PLUS EMU 2017] (Client stuck 76%)

    Hello! Now I will share my fix for solve the issues about saving room settings in Plus EMU R2. The errors are: ERROR 1 (Bug during enter in the room) ERROR 2 (Bug during research the room) ERROR 3 (Client stuck 76%) -- HOW TO FIX IT? -- First shutdown your emulator; Run this query...
  11. X

    Client stuck at 76% [PlusEmu/rCMS]

    Hey guys, i know there are a lot of these kind of threads but i can't find a solution there. The problem is: Client loads to 76%, in Plus Emulator 1 User is shown as online but i'm still at 76%. external_variables/override_variables are linked, the client.php is configurated (testet 3 different...
  12. KermitLABZ

    Plus Emu issues, Client loads to 76% on a VPS. R63B RevCMS

    Hello, Ill try to give as much detail possible as this issue is really beginning to bug me :mad: I'm basically running the emu the emu runs fine but the client decides to stick at 76%, Even when the emu isnt running i can still go to the client and it will still load to 76% and stop dont know...