I like the simplicity that it has, as @0AK has said maybe editing the containers a little would make it look much more appealing though a great attempt.
Considering his logs says something along the lines of "Error in query: INSERT INTO items (base_item, user_id) VALUES (757, 3)" it doesn't seem like he is really doing "enough bullshit" "to cause a problem".
Anyhow neither of us are answering his problem so I'll stop responding in his thread...
I don't know how to fix it but I can tell you this is just avoiding the problem, you will likely encounter more problems down the line.
Try reading through your logs?
As @SectionArmy has already suggested why not try PlusEMU Habboon Emulator, or a different emulator?
I'm unsure if you know exactly how to implement the commands if not just follow the spoilers.
First you need to create and save your commands into the emulator.
Now that you have your commands made now it's time to register them as actual commands.
Now all that is left is to give the users...
Yes it was located in catalog_items, just run the Query below.
UPDATE catalog_items SET catalog_name="Gold Bar" WHERE catalog_name="CFC_500_goldbar";
UPDATE catalog_items SET catalog_name="Money Bag" WHERE catalog_name="CFC_200_moneybag";
UPDATE catalog_items SET catalog_name="Gold Coin" WHERE...
I'm pretty weak with MySQL and PHP so here's me having a shot at it.
final public function getOnline()
global $engine;
return $engine->result("SELECT online FROM users WHERE online='0'");
If you keep getting problems private message me your Skype? I can reply...
Well assuming that you are using Craigs emulator (PlusEMU Habboon) along with a released Database (It was Dutch to begin with) I will give you a query to run which should enable those commands for you.
UPDATE `permissions_commands` SET `group_id`='1', `subscription_id`='0' WHERE...
If you're using RevCMS it's due to the emulator not updating your server_status table, inside app/class.core.php you will find final public function getOnline() from there change the query to not get the online status from your server_status table.
Looking into my database for I couldn't find any wf_act_give_reward in my catalog_items table so my guess is that it can't be used.
I did find wf_act_give_userbadge maybe try finding that and that's what you need.
For the wf_act_give_reward it should be in the Staff section of the catalog, I assume.
What exactly do you mean you cant see the badges in the profile of users?
For the images I would assume that it's something to do with the links of your files.