I've ran into a problem, I've just began to edit that uberCMS edit from PeJump2. (I liked it.. #palmface#) Anyway's, I've started to try and do a "My Page" which shows your common statistics like badges, friends and so on. However, I can't get all the users badges to show.
Just wondering if any...
Ug, I've been messing around with a Housekeeping (habbo retro) that was released a while back; so yeah, I've just realised that Posting news doesn't work correctly. Just wondering if any of you may help me fix it.
Heres the code;
if($assoc['rank'] <5)
$title =...
I'm currently with Santrex: My VPS is currently down, the Control Panel is down and they are ignoring all my support tickets.
Imo, they are terrible.