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  1. Bozzie

    Nginx rewrite config, revcms??

    Has anyone got a config file for revcms for nginx? i've tried using " worker_processes 2; worker_rlimit_nofile 10000; pid /var/run/; events { worker_connections 4000; use epoll; } http { include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; keepalive_timeout 65; gzip on...
  2. Bozzie

    Ubbo - R63 - Updated - Hiring - :)

    Get ready to know about ubbo! The Staff Team - We currently have a team of only 3 staff members, who covers all the timezones. We make sure the community is safe and everything goes fine. We manage and protect the hotel from advertisers, hackers, etc. ubbo is updated with more features and...
  3. Bozzie

    GTE not giving coins and pixels at timer

    It's pretty straight forward, the EMU was working fine and then all of a sudden it's just stopped giving coins & pixels automatically? any ideas?
  4. Bozzie

    Mercury throwing weird error

    Hello, my EMU has recently been throwing this error; after it does it it disconnects most people, I'm really stuck on what to-do so any help would be appreciated.
  5. Bozzie

    Xampp using high CPU?

    Hello guys, I don't know if you can help me but just in-case, my httpd.exe is using alot of CPU. Is there anything I can do to resolve it?
  6. Bozzie

    Big Phoenix Problem ( connection dropped occasionally)

    Right it's a tricky one, I wouldn't normally post like this for help but this is really getting to me. I'm running off Phoenix 3.11.0 my Client works perfectly.... sometimes. Now this is the problem, it can be working fine and dandy then i'll realize no-one new is coming onto the Hotel? so i'll...
  7. Bozzie

    Connection Dropped?! PHX

    Hello DevBest, somehow this problem has just came out of no-where everytime I get a connection it drops then gets it then drops it again this has come from no-where, I have disabled secure_sessions but it still doesn't work, any help please?! been trying for ages!
  8. Bozzie

    I can't disable AntiDDoS on phx 3.11.0

    Well now that Phoenix has this AntiDDoS table, evertime I click disable it just doesnt do it, all the connections are coming from one IP which is my proxy IP, so it sees it as a threat so I cannot get over 11 users! ANY HELP WOULD BE MOST APPRECIATED.