Search results

  1. Aruthra

    I need latest swfs pack (I use RevCMS1999 and Plus Emu Build 2)

    Please help, thank you.
  2. Aruthra

    What is/was your favourite retro that you played on?

    HABLESS HOTEL <3 2011
  3. Aruthra

    where to find Plus emulator?

    Please can you send me working link for Plus Emulator, a clean CMS with swfs and a databse? Thank you !!!
  4. Aruthra

    looking to own a hotel with someone

    Contact me
  5. Aruthra

    Anyone Wanna Co-Own An RP

    Contact me
  6. Aruthra

    Applicant Looking for something to do

    Contact me
  7. Aruthra

    Looking for an active owner

    Contact me
  8. Aruthra

    Recruiting I need someone to make my own habbo retro.

    I can help you, email me
  9. Aruthra

    Hello, do you need help in setting up a retro?

    Hello, do you need help in setting up a retro?
  10. Aruthra

    Full Setup Habbo Retro

    I will help you, contact me
  11. Aruthra

    (Help) some reason my vps won't let me download SQL

    I will help you, contact me
  12. Aruthra

    need setup help, willing to pay!

    I will help you, contact me
  13. Aruthra

    New Staff Badges - Selfmade by TheFuture

    Alright ty!
  14. Aruthra

    New Staff Badges - Selfmade by TheFuture

    Make these badges from set 1 please: Swift Owner, Co-Owner, Developer, Technician, Manager, Supervisor, Moderator And Graphics Artist from set 2. Thankyou!
  15. Aruthra

    [REQ] All Enables

    You mean the list?
  16. Aruthra

    [RELEASE] Mockingjay Badge

    Thanks a lot! And yes Ryanz i'll soon be release my other badges too! Skype me tiny.builder
  17. Aruthra

    [RELEASE] Stats Bar in Client

    Your welcome :)
  18. Aruthra

    [RELEASE] Mockingjay Badge

    Yup found this only when the mockingjay was released ;P Thanks a lot!
  19. Aruthra

    Happy new year!

    Happy new year to you too :)
  20. Aruthra

    [RELEASE] Stats Bar in Client

    Hello! I'm Aruthra, here with another cool release :D I really wanted this for many decades and i finally got the script from a retro. Many people badly wants this, so I thought to share it! Here is a screenie of the script: Live Demo - How to install: Save...