Gta Series
F1 Series
Assassin's Creed Series (Hated Unity though :/)
Web based Games:
Habbo (played this for way too long)
Tribal Wars (back in the day.)
Brilliant design, #Blue all the way!
You should design the whole Website (meaning, design all the other pages - Me, Staff, Community, Store and so on!)
Goodluck buddy.
Hey @0beyRetr0s it's just a style design:p, you'll have to implement the backend PHP, thanks for the feedback! :]
@iBrilliance you could easily tinker the style! xD!
Alright I get you, first of all I don't have an RP Database nor' an RP Emulator (RealityRP or RealityRP Sources won't even get close to my Downloads).
If they don't know how to do it, then they could just learn? can't be that hard to run a few queries.
Last of all, It was just a Skin, not an RP...
Start my Network of Websites - Online Business.
Save a lot of money to build a custom computer;] Got to be done.
Don't give up on Projects before I start them.
div, It makes it look a lot tidier in my mind, you could easily just remove the div from it;p
Remember, it's just a quick theme, no sweat wen't into it, RP's these days, have no good styles, I thought I'd just give one to you ;D
It's not Little Edits my friend, it's a theme that I made, yes it looks similar to the HabboRP theme, but it's not, as that theme was smaller, and horrid, the only thing thats the same is the ContentBox, and they're not exact either, take a more in depth look at the CSS, and HTML before you...
I was waiting for people like yourself to come along, happens with every theme thats released here, if you don't want it, don't comment, just wasting time.
That "PlusRP" theme, isn't there "Theme" as that theme was made by the old HabboRP owner.
Content Boxes look similar? how's that the...
Hey guys,
I've been working on this RevCMS Theme because I was bored, I've got no use for it, as i'm not planning on making an RP any time soon (Wouldn't mind like, just money is always tricky to get hold of, if you catch my drift)
Alright anyways lets get down to the main point of this thread...