Search results

  1. Aruthra

    Request Need a creative logo!

    Hey! Can anyone make me an amazing logo saying "Swift"? Thanks.
  2. Aruthra

    New Clothes

    Where to get superman shirt n all?
  3. Aruthra

    Cheap VPS 4GB Vps for $25 (Limited offer)
  4. Aruthra

    Paying anyone that can add commands to my phnx 3.11

    add me on skype: tiny.builder FB:
  5. Aruthra

    HabboUI Theme [NEW] RevCMS

    Omg this is rlly awesome!! Gud release
  6. Aruthra

    How to change default link for ban page? (RevCMS)

    If the banned page's url is (myhotel)/banned, i want to change it to (anotherwebsite)/template/index.html
  7. Aruthra

    How to change default link for ban page? (RevCMS)

    Dude. I dont want to edit the ban page. I want a different url
  8. Aruthra

    How to change default link for ban page? (RevCMS)

    No i want a different url
  9. Aruthra

    How to change default link for ban page? (RevCMS)

    Like when i ban a user, he's redirected to (url)/banned How do i change this url? I use revcms and GTE emulator (R63)
  10. Aruthra

    Looking for a dev (R63B)

    FB? Aruthra Swift
  11. Aruthra

    Looking for a dev (R63B)

    Added you on skype!
  12. Aruthra

    Download link for diamonds exchange?

    Hi can someone link me the download for diamonds exchange please!
  13. Aruthra

    How do i transfer phx users table to plus emu?

    Topic says it all!
  14. Aruthra

    [Plus EMU] Hotel loads and then disconnects [User Logged Out]

    FIXED: SOL: Check your external variables.
  15. Aruthra

    [Plus EMU] Hotel loads and then disconnects [User Logged Out]

    I'm using plus emu latest ui, my client loads and then disconnects. How do i fix this?
  16. Aruthra

    Recruiting In need of DJ's (

    Hi guys, I'm looking for DJ's for my hotel. You must have valid sam broadcaster and a clear voice. Contact me if interested Skype - tiny.builder FB - Aruthra Swift Thanks.
  17. Aruthra

    Small collection of badges.

  18. Aruthra

    Need help (Regarding RevCMS)

    It's fixed. thanks
  19. Aruthra

    Need help (Regarding RevCMS)

    Thanks everyone. Changed the CMS and doing my previous edit.