Hi, i wanted to change my catalogue style, so i changed "0" to "1" and cleared cache, nothing happens. If you're good at HxD Editor, please contact me i might give you tech rank on my hotel.
Skype - tiny.builder
Hey guys! Currently i'm using phoenix edit, but i wanna switch to R63b but i don't wish to loose my 5k registered, rooms, etc...
If you can convert my phx db to plus emu db, please help me! I'll surely rank you as a tech in my hotel (Swift)
Skype - tiny.builder
FB -...
As my hotel is currently lacking users, I'm looking forward for an advertising team who will help me in bringing users to Swift. Mine is a decent, legit hotel so people won't regret joining it. I assure for that!
Hotel Link: www.swift-hotel.net
FB: http://facebook.com/aruthra.r
So i wanna connect my laptop's internet to my phone via wifi. Can anyone tell me how to do this? This is my spare phone
For example go to this website: http://www.pcworld.com/article/249077/how_to_block_websites.html
When you select any text, it shows red color. Tell me the html code please?