Ok so recently my hotel is getting SQL injected... The hackers just get into my database, change users's motto, mess up homeroom, mess up staff page etc....
Could anyone help me patch and remove all the exploits present in my RevCMS edit? I would give you a rank on my hotel if you help me :)...
When someone tries enters his room, he cannot. He's stuck in the hotelview. If i see emu, i get this error http://prntscr.com/47ei5e
In roomexceptions.err file, i see this:
7/28/2014 5:11:57 PM: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
How do i find it? It's not my room and i also made a test room and tried to add 2 moodlights it said "Only one moodlight can be placed"
Whats moodlight table?
7/28/2014 5:11:57 PM: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
at GoldTree.MoodlightData..ctor(UInt32 mItemId)
at GoldTree.HabboHotel.Rooms.Room.method_25()
at GoldTree.HabboHotel.Rooms.Room..ctor(UInt32 uint_2, String string_10, String string_11, String...
Hello, i've followed Joe Richardson's tut for fixing jukebox but when i double click the jukebox i get dc'ed. Could anyone help me fix jukebox? Thanks
Skype - tiny.builder