If you are using nitro, you should have no reason to add websockets. You should utilize nitro to create your own packets and change things - you have full control it is open source.
You can change either web servers default port then just go to localhost:port to view that web server. You could also setup your own sub domains on one web server to have multiple different sites
XAML - Utilizing C#? Like WPF?
You would just bind to a variable, that you could update on a timer, or spawn a background task that updates the variable in a while loop?
I believe the standard practice is using a WPF DispatcherTimer
It's Bliss emulator. The one I released that I was working on years ago, like 2017. I've restarted the project and have completely refactored this emulator. My advice to anyone using it, is completely change it or don't use it. There is a MySQL parameter for allowing datetime and another for...
Nitro is made of css and html allowing you have full control to easy implement your own gui items instead of hacking in a secondary connection like websockets. You can migrate all connections to DotNetty on Plus. If you like the original look and feel there are releases of flash UI otherwise you...
Restart the server again - this was a known bug in plus. I managed to fix it, but can't remember how. Has something to do with the thread getting initialized and running the cycling I believe.
Downloading a new browser just for flash games is ridiculous. The community had years to prepare and there are already well developed alternatives to flash.
You are creating a new websocket with the string "{ip}:8000" but you didn't tell the compiler this was a interpolated string. To do that you put a dollar sign in front of the string.
Damn I didn't even know about this. In the discord someone told someone else it was not possible. I was thinking to myself that's a bit crazy. Thanks for sharing this!
Look at the packet error log it's just going to be class name and line number?
Are you sure you aren't just giving all users vip points on a cycle, and they just don't ever log their account out?
You make your hotel anti-tanji by protecting your packets. Review the packet error log on your emulator and it will likely show you what packet they are attacking from, because it likely took them a few attempts to find your exploit. Once you see the packet you can figure out how to solve it.