This isn't the same though. Setting a token to never expire is a security concern. If the token is stolen or compromised, you could login impersonating that user (your server would never invalidate after a certain amount of time). With a refresh token can use their current auth token (before...
Instead of deserializing into a dynamic, pass in a list of person and deserialize directly to your list.
var Persons = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Person>>(json);
You can either modify the emulator (or there may be a setting) to downgrade from secure websocket protocol to the unsecured protocol
You can get an SSL certificate and secure your websocket connection (preferred)
The market is definitely not the same. Every year the retro community shrinks (since most of us are all getting older) and those that are left really make the community toxic. Goodluck though.
This is RevCMS which is old and outdated. You need to use old versions of PHP, you most likely have updated your PHP version to 7 or higher which has deprecated mysql functions. PHP now utilizes mysqli.
If you're using Arcturus, source out some plugins and/or request them in their discord.
If you're using Plus, you'll either need to code them yourself or most likely pay someone to code those for you.
Need to put the content into columns
You wrap a container taking up the entire 100%
Then a column that takes up 30% that is your sidebar
Then a column that takes up the remaining percentage for the screen content
Then within that column, you can...
Make sure you are editing the UI config in the dist folder of the built nitro files as well as the source. If you only change source, that is why you are rebuilding.
You should get an email or have a portal that supplies you with the IP and password. If no password is given you will likely need to use the KVM to login to the vps and set the password.
Create a portfolio containing as many projects as you can, and showcase the ones that are the best. Try to show different topics in your showcases (I.E Architecture)