We don't handle advertisements or how hotels get their users. We are strictly a retro list site where you find retros and if you feel comfortable you can join it. However, if a retro is gaining more votes illegally such as index voting or what not, then by far means report them.
We have a report section for a reason, please use it if you feel there are a "shitloads of index votings" as they violate our rules.
FindRetros Moderation Team has a life too. We aren't always on 24/7 hence the report section.
Wessell this is very much like a portal on .com called portal.habbohia.com :D i love your site even more.
if anyone wants a demo its beta.fbihabbo.com :) im currently rewriting some code on a different url so we can have full english
Wess, thank you for this panel... As a Habbotard, I run something like Imperial Corp #tbt ;) which has over 90,000 members and this has saved my life.
I am going to look at this panel and try to convert the whole system into english and possibly release for free...