Search results

  1. Sabo

    Call of Duty Call of Duty : Ghost could there be a #2?(WARNING SPOILERS!)

    I personally am not a fan of Ghosts because the engine just seems to be the same as Modern Warfare 3.
  2. Sabo

    Sports Whos the best basketball player ?

    Best Basketball player for me has to be Wilt Chamberlain.
  3. Sabo

    planning to go to US

    I want to go to Canada, I'm just eager to try the bacon over there.
  4. Sabo

    Is been a virgin something to be proud of or ashamed of?

    I think it just means that you are saving your virginity for the RIGHT person.
  5. Sabo

    Simple Graphics Please

    @Brontes, i love the logo ;)
  6. Sabo

    Battlefield Xbox vs PC graphics

    PC Graphics are definitely better.
  7. Sabo

    Bottom of my laptop screen frame is loose

    It already happened to me....took forever to get fixed.
  8. Sabo

    PC What's your favourite Steam game?

    I would say DayZ.
  9. Sabo

    What are you listening to now?

  10. Sabo

    The Oxford Comma

    The first one i believe to be grammatically correct.
  11. Sabo

    What's your OS?

    Laptop: Windows 8 Pro Edition Laptop2: Windows 8 Student Edition Laptop3: Mac OS Leopard
  12. Sabo

    Badge Pack (3)

    The badges look terrific and i like how you don't base your designs on anything it's all done with a creativist mind ;) private message me i have an offer for you.
  13. Sabo

    Sulake (/Elisa) taking action?

    Then again we don't need to have a 3rd currency or just create your own 3rd currency maybe call it "Tickets" and start from there.
  14. Sabo

    Who wants to go to Mars

    Who doesn't want to go to Mars? but the problem is getting back from there *.*
  15. Sabo

    Video Kick the biggest ass on earth till you get stuck!

    Haha, really odd looking video but yet it's hilarious :P
  16. Sabo

    Phoenix 3.11.0 Sheenieboys Edit Error

    Hello DevBest, I'm seeking help as Phoenix was discontinued and only some edits of the emulator actually function properly...Sheenieboys edit is one of those emulators and i'm in need of help with it. *Please note we made a few edits to it and it was functioning properly before which...
  17. Sabo

    North Korea vs USA

    Well, from my point of view if they even attempt to harm the U.S. , it would be WW3 now you might ask why? well because every country has an ally and i'm pretty sure if we get in so will the U.K.
  18. Sabo

    DevBest -> ReverseBox?

    I love the idea of changing the name to ReverseBox because as many in this thread have stated before, it would offer a greater variety of content and it will no longer be "just" a development forum. I think that by going forward with this change the community would only expand and so would the...
  19. Sabo


    Not bad mate :), although it would help the starting retros alot if you would add images but other than that 10/10