Staff Hired.
We are looking for some staff right now at
If your interested signup at and check it out!
Good with building event? Event manager is for you!
Good at Moderating and saying no (lol)? Moderation is for you!
How: Join our Discord (See my...
I know you wrote "i have tried everything" but did you allso tryed another browser og in incognito mode (maybe miss spelling)?
Im not sure this help, but i recall an answer i got once, and when i changed browser i came online.
Beware a user with Discord ID Sledmore#2406 is fake i know he can change it, so dont thrust him unless you have spoken to him.
He needs money and try sell Full Haboon copy including vps, setup 1 year for 100 usd
Hopes this warning is places the right section
Me and a very good freind made a Discord Channel called Retro hotel www and our hope is that, many retro hotel will join.
Owner, Developer or staff, and we hope all can chat together, or maybe helping other.
We made a !retrolist and hope many hotel will join, and be a...
Where do i find a Clean CMS and working Emu? Not a version where i have to fix bugs, but just a simpel full working version.
PLEACE dont tell to code my own, see turtials etc, just answer my question
Just a question. How do you gonna start it with no money ? You asked me for money to purchase a vps, so wonder why looking for staff before the hotel running ?