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  1. Quackster

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    Looks nice! But too fancy for beginners to learn from ;D Anyway, eager to see ingame shots :D
  2. Quackster

    [HELP] R62 Server

    Has it really? :O
  3. Quackster

    [DISC] Favorite TV Show ?

    Doctor Who :)
  4. Quackster

    What do you want to be when you get older?

    Airport dog handler.
  5. Quackster

    DevBest Awards 2011 - Get Voting!

    Most Popular: Jamdonk Funniest User: Sledmore Most Inspirational: Most Hated: TheJacob Cockiest User: Kryptos Most Professional: Most Missed: Biggest Nerd: Zak All-Time Legend: RastaLulz Stupid Twattish Forum User (STFU) Award: HabCityRP Camp Fag: TheJacob Staff Member of the Year...
  6. Quackster

    Trying the Diamond Glitch...

    That's because it doesn't work on multiplayer :P
  7. Quackster

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    Awesome :D Have you tested it to make sure you don't get any errors? (not programming errors) :p Also if you need any help, I'm always here
  8. Quackster

    [DEV] [PHP/OOP] mUserSystem

    Looks like utter crap! Just kidding, very nice :D Good luck
  9. Quackster

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    I was just saying a fact about Netty :P Anyway, when can we see ingame shots?
  10. Quackster

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    Good luck Zak :) Can we see any game play? Also great to see you using Hibernate :) Matty tested Netty and it holds 512, 000 connections simultaneously
  11. Quackster

    Trying the Diamond Glitch...

    You don't pick them up, they appear as heaps on your inventory and the ones on the ground are the glitched ones.
  12. Quackster

    McDonalds and KFC delivering?

    We can't get that in Australia. xD
  13. Quackster

    [1.6.6]zMod v0.8.7[Zaneris]

    Nice. Looks like WorldGuard and Essentials together! :D
  14. Quackster

    Survival Island (1 tree...)

    Hmm?? You could atleast post something legit.
  15. Quackster

    Client errors?

    Did you make sure you have all the ports and IP correct?
  16. Quackster

    Trying the Diamond Glitch...

    It worked fine for me. You need to have the survival so you can see your inventory and have toomanyitems to build the duplicator.
  17. Quackster

    Ask donkey!

    If the universe is expanding. What's the universe expanding into?
  18. Quackster

    [DEV] tBlogger - PHP Blogging script by Anon.

    Why does everything have to be in OOP? Some people have high expectations
  19. Quackster

    [DEV] tBlogger - PHP Blogging script by Anon.

    Awesome. Good luck. PHP and Styling is my weakness. So I hope this goes all well :D
  20. Quackster

    [JAVA] Is this posibble? [Help]

    If you had the source of Bukkit yes :D You can also use the Minecraft Coder Pack to decompile the Minecraft Vanilla server and edit it around