A quick search on the internet: "Only wrong "Too many connections" error can be considered as MySQL bug. To check this login as root using mysql command line client and run query SHOW PROCESSLIST then problem occurs. Additionally version 5.0.45 is a bit old. Please upgrade to current verion...
Never mind, your habbo.dcr is configured correctly. Look on your DB, in the settings. Iv'e just noticed the external_text file contains a lot of broken links, you should update this too.
http://images.habbo.com/habboweb/63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/1001/web-gallery/v2/styles/style.css This file does not exist. So you need to update your webbuild. The current webbuild is:
To change your webbuild, find this in your class.tpl...
If you mean the type has to be double, just open user_info in design mode and change login_timestamp to double,
This is how mine looks:
Just use RevCMS, its easy to setup and the only thing you need in the db is seckey. Or you could just delete seckey form from the register page. But if you change your CMS, i recommend you get a whole new Database.