Search results

  1. zMagenta

    Hello the pr0 Katie.

    Hello the pr0 Katie.
  2. zMagenta

    PSN changing to SEN

    I agree, but SEN Doesn't sound right.
  3. zMagenta

    Ideas for a new hotel name?

    Just saying leet, is a hacking group, lol. JINGO is pr0.
  4. zMagenta

    Service Habbo Banner Service

    Thanks a bunch Katie, I'll contact you further once I need the banners produced. Thanks. - Jamie.
  5. zMagenta

    Service Habbo Banner Service

    What about a selection of banned - would you do a bulk deal? What I'm thinking about is like - 2 different animated banners, and 2 ordinary different banners. Would you give me a bulk deal?
  6. zMagenta

    PSN changing to SEN

    Wow, Sony need to keep PSN. SEN doesn't work..
  7. zMagenta

    UberEMU + RevCMS

    Yeah, 50. There's quite a few more people in the retro buisness then that.
  8. zMagenta

    UberEMU + RevCMS

    It's not a waste if you have the most stable Emulator to run a hotel on.
  9. zMagenta

    Post your desktop!

    Windows 7 starter.. Pfft.. Can't change background. But my desktop is fantastic to be honest.
  10. zMagenta

    Wow, cocky twats who think they know all - Really piss me off.

    Wow, cocky twats who think they know all - Really piss me off.
  11. zMagenta

    [ERROR] Phoenix EMU Error [JAKE]

    Finally, a pr0 pars the noob.
  12. zMagenta

    UberEMU + RevCMS

    Buy Phoenix, just until RevEMU comes out - Then you can stop worrying.
  13. zMagenta

    What does this mean??

    Erm, well if you actually read it. It says whatever your adding, is for PhoenixPHP only. If you're using that, I recommend you leave the core.php where it was.
  14. zMagenta

    RevCMS Help

    Bump. Someone help? :L
  15. zMagenta

    FIFA [PS3] DevBest FIFA 12 Tournament

    Psn ID: Z_ZayD3r_Z Timezone: GMT Fifa Game Level ( eg Semi-pro): Semi-Pro Team using in tournament: Southampton FC Thanks.
  16. zMagenta

    RevCMS Help

    Hey there everyone, quite a long time since I done a thread - this is my 100th post! Back to buisness.. Right, I have a few errors right now, the main one I need fixing is the ASE error. I got to - and go to login. But when I enter the correct details, it just...
  17. zMagenta

    I want to open a windows vps host}

    Or, re-sell others VPS' for more.
  18. zMagenta

    Do you like cod? (call of duty)

    I don't like CoD! I love it! Black Ops owns Halo.
  19. zMagenta

    [Release] UberCMS Edit , Nyan Edition

    It looks a bit, erm, messy with the font.
  20. zMagenta

    Introduction ECode!

    Welcome to DevBest - Hope to see you around. P.S - Loving your site.