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  1. Dayron1234

    Uber R31 Link Needed!

    Oh lol ya
  2. Dayron1234

    Uber R31 Link Needed!

    Give me your MSN so I can t.v you so I can see what you mean
  3. Dayron1234

    Uber R31 Link Needed!

    Best one is 63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/11 if you need help putting that in reply
  4. Dayron1234

    Uber R31 Link Needed!

    The CMS,EMU,what you need?
  5. Dayron1234

    DevBest Awards of 2010

    Most Popular:Sledmore Most Hilarious:RastaLulz Most Friendly:CamShy Most Helpful:Kryptos Most Hated:N/A Most Annoying:Almost everyone :D Most Missed:N/A Most Weird:CallumJones Most Professional:N/A Most Mysterious:Duck Best Contributor:Sledmore Old Schooler:RedSea Biggest...
  6. Dayron1234


    You guys already know what I'm developing.If not go on the chatbox more often and you will know or read my signature.Anyways I have done some RP commands in about 3 days and now I'm having trouble with 911 command. case "911": { if...
  7. Dayron1234

    Introduction Oh hai

    My welcome was mean lol but w.e welcome fake Donkjam
  8. Dayron1234

    Introduction Oh hai

    beep beep I win xD
  9. Dayron1234

    Introduction Oh hai

    Donkjam don't have money to pay that fast?
  10. Dayron1234

    Introduction Oh hai

    Hes not the real Donkjam lol CHAT: I say: 18:30:08 are you the real Donkjam on devbest? 18:30:31 *slaps* talk! xD 18:31:35 *slaps* DAMIT! TALK! NOW! Donkjam says: 18:31:51 ? lol wtf I say: 18:31:57 xD lol you are no 18:32:15 Bonjour j'mapelle Dönkjam, Jádôre la Habbo Hotel Lol hey I'm sure...
  11. Dayron1234

    Introduction Oh hai

    Prove it dude that your Donkjam do you know me? if so lets see!
  12. Dayron1234

    hablux tele's

    HabluxRP or normal Hablux
  13. Dayron1234

    Duck's New signature

    Nice duck and I put you on my Cool User list ;)
  14. Dayron1234


  15. Dayron1234


    Yes it sends an alert :) but if you need the Chat one I will post it xD
  16. Dayron1234


    Okay so since I been working with Uber for about 2 months now I coding my own commands but I don't want to be a n00b and keep it to myself because thats just wrong to me.Anyways I will not be releasing that much commands because I just started to learn to code in Uber and still a newbie at it...
  17. Dayron1234

    Christmas Presents?

    What I'm getting is Ipod touch 3g or 4g Money Clothes Earphones for computer
  18. Dayron1234

    What's Your Favorite TV SHOW ?

    DBZ Lol not to be rude but that is for kids every since they cancel Cartoon network from free cable I could care less if it came back all I been watching was Discovery Channel mostly as it is interesting to me.But what ever you still want that then you still watch that
  19. Dayron1234

    [uberEmu] iJakey Edit ..........Now iJake Edit

    Actually I deleted them but I will look into them,recode them,then I will give you some
  20. Dayron1234

    [uberEmu] iJakey Edit ..........Now iJake Edit

    Add a lot more commands into Uber I would have done it my self but as I said before I can't debug my EMU and I coded some commands for it xD