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  1. Dayron1234

    How Do I make a Gym On A Rp Php Hotel?

    I know everybody loves my help around here well some I think not sure if EVERYONE loves my help
  2. Dayron1234

    How to set up HabbluxRP Rel 2

    I suggest you use my DCRS as it has Urban furni but if you want to use DCRS fine by me xD and good tutorial for people who don't know how to set-up HabluxRP Rel 2 and thanks for the credits
  3. Dayron1234

    [TUT] Making an r61 Hotel [VIA UBER]

    you just need to update your web-build or customize your CMS
  4. Dayron1234

    [TUT] Making an r61 Hotel [VIA UBER]

    This is for R61 as the SWFS are there but its also useful for R51
  5. Dayron1234

    [TUT] Making an r61 Hotel [VIA UBER]

    Thanks for this even though its easy to setup a R50+ good for nubs and newbies 10/10
  6. Dayron1234

    [REL] Zombie Command Edited [REL]

    Thanks Roper forgot about that hadn't code in C# for awhile now
  7. Dayron1234

    Almost done with

    or just restart your computer thats what I do and it works
  8. Dayron1234

    [Help] How Do You Make A Gym? [Help]

    YES! all of them need to be changed such as Jail:150 Hospital:153 Bank:166 Gym:194
  9. Dayron1234

    [REL] Zombie Command Edited [REL]

    Command is wrong? you need virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]) #region :zombie <user> case "zombie": case "bite": case "throwup": { virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(args[1]) Room.sendShout(roomUser, "*Makes " + User._Username + " a Zombie*"); Figure = Figure here!; _Mission...