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  1. Brad

    Introduction Hiya o/

    Welcome to Devbest, hope you enjoy. I'm here before it turns to a Sausage fest.
  2. Brad

    Video Ice bucket much?

    That laugh tho pmsl
  3. Brad

    Showcasing colour-schemes to a client - a suggestion..

    the concept is good! just make it when you hover over the colour an colour box opens and you select your colour :) no problemo dude!
  4. Brad

    Showcasing colour-schemes to a client - a suggestion..

    This looks good! and a very good idea aswell. yeah you definitely should use a colour picker so they can change the colour! :)
  5. Brad

    Hiring Graphics Designer for - BuzzHotel.

    Hey guys, I'm looking for an Graphics designer for A Staff Position is available for someone who's worthy. Here's a few things you should be able to create Banners. Logo. Avatars. Badges. If you're interested Comment below, Thanks Brad.
  6. Brad

    PlusR2 Adding Furniture - Help

    Yeah Positive, I don't have a clue why it won't work.
  7. Brad

    PlusR2 Adding Furniture - Help

    Ok so I've Tried adding the new Palooza furni to my hotel They didn't work or show so I added the <graphic> tags then they still don't When you double click them you D/C And this is what they look like
  8. Brad

    I'm in me mom's car, car.

    Now I've seen it all.
  9. Brad

    reminder to self; work on beer

    reminder to self; work on beer
  10. Brad

    Index (html/css/php/design by my)

    Why don't your translate it then instead of waiting for others to do it? js
  11. Brad

    [PHPRETRO & Holograph iJay edit] Issues

    It doesn't Change any tables it just refreshes them.
  12. Brad

    [PHPRETRO & Holograph iJay edit] Issues

    I never said it did, But after running the SQL it will run smoother.
  13. Brad

    [PHPRETRO & Holograph iJay edit] Issues

    it does, restart emulator then try registering.
  14. Brad

    [C#][PAYING] Need help w/ memory leak in EMU

    It wouldn't matter if he got a Gaming pc, it should me memory leaking hence the reason he wants it fixed. It's also ran on a server so it want even touch his Pc.
  15. Brad

    [C#][PAYING] Need help w/ memory leak in EMU

    It's something that causes massive memory leak meaning it will be high Memory usage or high CPU usage when it shouldn't
  16. Brad

    [C#][PAYING] Need help w/ memory leak in EMU

    Never played RP Servers nor seen the emulator in action, but is there bots? Maybe the bots is your problem.
  17. Brad

    [PHPRETRO & Holograph iJay edit] Issues

    Not sure if it will work but try this: SET@@global.sql_mode ='';
  18. Brad

    [CMS] HabbamCMS edit by Dippo&Leo[CMS]

    What the fuck is this? lol more like Adding un-needed <div>'s :P
  19. Brad

    Item Save bug, PlusEMU.

    I didn't but I do now.
  20. Brad

    Item Save bug, PlusEMU.

    wrong. its db/swf not emulator. such as Furnidata.xml if they dont match as what they show in db then thats what happens. Like with spaces when they d/c you that ain't a emulator bug, its a Configuration error between catalog_items, Furniture & furnidata.xml