so ive noticed that the habbo figure is not slowing on "me.php" and any other pages.
iknow its not just a error on my hotel, its on many others that ive checked out using revCMS on thehabbos.
does anybody know how to fix this error. Thanks
heres what im going on about >>...
everybody whos hating on his release why comment if its not help for you..
this is a unique release cause hes released all the latest furniture in this download.
this fella has saved me a good few hours worth of..
researching on the furniture of what needs to be added to my catalogue...
What needs doing is that i want to change the "Taken by" and change it to "taken by {username}"
but the problem is if i type in "{username}" it will obv show the user who is onlien right now viewing the page.
so i need to make a sql or something to show the "username" from the database table...
Just wondering as i was going to code 2 new addons that ive noticed on a few hotels (uberCMS)
ive seen the odd 1 or 2 addons on revCMS themes (vault and lottery)
just wondering does anybody know if anybody has released this or can give me some kind of system that will save me time recoding...
-check your firewall is not blocking port 3306
-alow acess to port 3306 on IIS7
if non above help, search on google "how to fix XAMPP port 3306 in use?"
who the fuck are you to tell me to shut my fucking mouth you little cunt..
He might want port 80 to be run on you little newb.
anyways you shouldnt be using xampp ( makes you a noob )
iis ftw.
how much more you need todo to revEMU for it to be released? looks epic so far.
i noticed on a picture that it has snowstorm games, does that mean that you can play snowstorm and like battle ball etc? hope you can cause that will be a big thing for revEMU
make sure all the config files are linked up to where the file is located, and make sure ur configs are linked up correctly to your EMU and databse then should work without fail.