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  1. Xyro

    Ask donkey!

    Why aren't you replying to our questions?
  2. Xyro

    [RELEASE!] [RP] Xoa CMS v3 [Jammy]

    Lovely Jubbly Jammy <3 Thanks for this release.
  3. Xyro

    [Roleplay] User database issues

    So I register on my hotel via register page Done the captcha, password ect. Then once I press continue/confirm it takes me to the welcome page But my user isn't logged in, so I go to the homepage and try to log my user in It says Username and Password invalid I look onto the database to see if...
  4. Xyro

    [Roleplay] User database issues

    So for about a couple of days my database has been causing me stress. I've used about every cms and database and I'm experiencing this problem. Whenever I try register a user the database doesn't record it like its deleting every user that enters. Someone please help? Thanks.
  5. Xyro

    [TUT] How to bulk furniture [R63] [W/ Pics]

    The one labeled Amount.. Lol its there just not in the textbox thing.
  6. Xyro

    [TUT] How to bulk furniture [R63] [W/ Pics]

    Hello everyone, today I am going to attempt to do my first tutorial. Hopefully this will go all well. So I am going to show you how to bulk furniture with an r63 database. I will be showing an alternative way of bulking v26 furniture aswell. So here we go! 1) Log onto phpMyAdmin and go to your...
  7. Xyro

    [Help Need] Having trouble with v26 RP

    Its your dcrs my friend. Look into the Habbo Release Section for working rp dcrs.
  8. Xyro

    [v26]How can I set rares to bulk!

    Ill make a tut one sec..
  9. Xyro

    What is scroll lock button do?

    Before asking these general questions remember this, Google is your bestfriend..
  10. Xyro

    [v26]How can I set rares to bulk!

    v26 databases weren't coded to bulk furniture. Only thing you can do is make catalouge deals.
  11. Xyro

    [v26]How can I set rares to bulk!

    Kaz is right, v26 furniture can't be bulked unless you do it by catalouge_deals. Highlight the quote.. Its obvious you're just trolling. I can even see the hidden tiny trololol. Fail mate...
  12. Xyro

    [help] Remote Desktop Connection

    You don't need to pf anything on vps..
  13. Xyro

    [help] Remote Desktop Connection

    Its simple. Just go to start menu, all programs, accessories, then find Remote Desktop Control :) Then you enter the ip that your vps company has given to you User will probs be Administrator and pass will be what the company has chosen.
  14. Xyro

    [v26]How can I set rares to bulk!

    This is supposed to be a thread about helping him, not destroying his whole pc.
  15. Xyro

    [v26]How can I set rares to bulk!

    Oh yeah, my bad facepalm.jpg Dont worry Wizzy, Ill try find a way.
  16. Xyro

    [DEV] tBlogger - PHP Blogging script by Anon.

    Can't wait to use this :D Goodluck bro ;)
  17. Xyro

    [v26]How can I set rares to bulk!

    Weird.. it should have a table with "Amount" there. Try something like a throne
  18. Xyro

    Database problems?

    So I've installed xampp and got my db and cms set up, but when I register an account, it doesn't show up on the database and I can't access the account I just registered. Any ideas? :/
  19. Xyro

    Show DevBest Simple template

    Lol ite, looks really good. I hope you enjoy your macbook aswell ;)
  20. Xyro

    Show DevBest Simple template

    It looks good for a simple template Is the bit where it says "yoyoyo" for a display picture or something?