If you have the version of the ase were rank 1 has HK do this.
go to class.users
search for
if(($this->getInfo($_SESSION['user']['id'], 'rank')) >= 1)
Change the 1 > 6 or 7 or whatever rank you want to have HK.
Go to app/tpl/skins/habbo/includes/header.php
go to...
I was tired when I done the ase, it takes about 30 seconds to change anyway. I will fix all grammar later.
If you don't like it, don't trust me don't download. I released this for the people who can't edit RevCMS themself.
There was a issue making everyone have the housekeeping, I have updated release thread please use this build.
There was a issue making everyone have the housekeeping, I have updated main thread please use this build.
Thanks, is there anything you would like to see in the next build?
Thanks! I don't know what to put in the next build, if people don't give ideas there won't be anymore updates :(
Also a update I forgot to put in the changelog.
The homes url system is done, go to /home/{username} and it will...