Looks like a habbo.swf released on another forum you have just removed the navigator & achievements but this is good for people who don't know what they are doing.
I am using the emu released by AKllX, I have found a annoying bug.
When I double click the furni, I get a error.
Error in thread Room cycle task for room 2:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection...
Hello devbest,
I am posting this error for a friend who doesn't use devbest,
He is getting this error I know I need a certain table but I forgot what one it is.
@Sledmore could you help?
Hey Devbest,
I am making a hotel for my friend, I am just wondering what the best emu to use would be?
I was thinking either Plus or Swift but I am not sure.
Thanks for reading
I have recently changed my catalogue on my hotel(ButterFly), I keep getting errors like 'TokenID: 0 Unknown baseID: 65535' causing rooms to not load. I added a item with the id 65535, that just makes nothing in the room load.
First of all thats a Reality rename, and it looks like it's dropping the connections all you provided was a screenshot of the reload.php so I can't be sure.