Even the thought of doing that ruins any rep your ass-nine way of doing things ever had. People like you are the ones that put the mis-trust in the internet.
So oollddddddddd
What's yellow and black and makes you laugh ?
A bus full of bobbas going over a cliff.Where is the best place to hide a bobba's food stamps?
Under his work boots.
Why are you such an ass hole? None of the free emulators match up to Phoenix at all. Phoenix is payed meaning Aaron has an obligation to provide updates, its coming to R63b soon. Theirs no emulator that has ever gone open source that didn't end up getting exploited all the time, and no updates...
Ever need to backup your databases on a set schedule? Don't wanna do it manually? Use this script :)
First off download cronnix from this link: http://code.google.com/p/cronnix/
Then, download the php script, http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?q3hu824xu5duoh1
Next open your command...