I think People are more Maturer Nowadays and they have moved on from Kiddy Hacks like yours , If you want a Signature ask someone nicely or make one on your own.
Well I've trying to get into my phpmyadmin since yesterday night and this morning and I seem to not be able to load it. Im using IIS , Not sure whats up with it but just won't load.
Error: http://postimage.org/image/5rgv9half/
Would best thing to do is download Phpmyadmin again and replace...
Well My Thread saids what it saids: My Logo Won't fit some of it gets cut off. Link: http://postimage.org/image/ypr81owov/
Is there a way of making it all fit?
This still the same thing look: IE:http://postimage.org/image/d8xu6ifvr/ Google Chrome: http://postimage.org/image/e42as50bh/
Thanks for the Help
Also my Logo isn't showing what file does have to be .png or .gif
Well Im a Bit confused because I changed my logo and background in my images folder and they do not show up but they still have the old way of looking of my cms and when I use internet explorer everything is changed why is this.
When I use Google Chrome: http://postimage.org/image/e42as50bh/...
No , No Im just saying like if you want to add pages , is it bad take off pages from other cms and implement on your own cms or the best thing to is just code your
If you want to rip pages from other cms's do you have to code them into your database to accept because Im using revcms habbo theme and it dosen't have that many pages so i was wondering if you could use pages from other cms's and make them work with revcms habbo theme skin?
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `seckey` VARCHAR(999) Type that in Phpmyadmin , In your Database go to SQL and type that ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `seckey` VARCHAR(999
Well Another help thread :O But im confused a bit :confused:,
My problem is I have changed the background and logo for my cms but they are still there on my index page , Register Page and Me page etc
Problems: http://postimage.org/image/o6c2lddo1/
Proof I have changed the background and...
Yeah Harrison I follow the steps and configured my config however I got an error , I think due to the fact I didnt rewrite the htacess prob is I don't know how to.
Error look like this : http://postimage.org/image/r14miwxil/
Anybody help me? Really appreciate it.