Well I was testing with Ubercms on IIS and I seem to be getting a web config error and I don't why also I already have Helicon Ape so I don't understand what is happening.
Screenie of the Error: http://postimage.org/image/ipft7d4ap/
I think the best retro's are the retro's which yeah don't have a big user count but a Retro which has a Nice Community and a Dedicated Owner , Kevin Owner of Habless just got recently attacked by Jonteh of Zap Hotel , Jonteh completely Destroyed us but Kevin was determind to bring Habless and so...
It does have have a Housekeeping, GrapeASE , I like how you made this cms look kind of like ubercms which I give *claps* for also I like how you added other pages from RevCMS plugins into this CMS. :up::up::up: You Truly Get 10/10
Well it's pressure , Because the developers of Habbo have to come up with new things and update Habbo every second of the day. Habbo doesn't really give a shit about people's opinion to be honest when they upgraded from V18 to V20 I disliked this very much and the populations of V18 retro's died...
I already got HeliconApe and thank you for your help , I just have this last error and once it's fixed , I can have News Fixed :D
Know how to fix , Incorrect integer value: 'Mubarik' for column 'author' at row 1 on Phpmyadmin.
Don't know why but I can't seem to login into Housekeeping it keeps saying "Incorrect Access Level" but i'm rank 7 so I don't know why it's refusing to let me on.
Proof I'm Rank 7 in my DB: http://postimage.org/image/hwl4ec35d/
Housekeeping Login problem...
It looks complicated , Windows 7 is simple easy to use what on earth was going through there minds to make Windows 8 like this , thank god it is a Preview because I hope they change this shit and fix up.
so many hotels put there thehabbos voting thing on Index and majority of the top 10 retros on thehabbos do , do that, so theres no point in reporting every hotel which does this.
I wouldn't pay yearly completely for a VPS because what if you want need to Upgrade to a dedicated server I would buy a yearly vps but use it as a backup server , so if the main one goes down atleast I will still have this server running.
Well I've had my computer since 2006 September,
It's HP
When my dad bought it , it was new and cost 2k but now it wouldn't even cost £300-£400
It was Windows XP but I upgraded it , like 2 years ago to Windows 7 Ultimate
CBA to take image