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  1. zMagenta

    [Help] Client Help

    Make sure aswell as doing the above, check your links from the variables to make sure they lead to the specified files.
  2. zMagenta

    Editing the catalogue on r63b

    Same problem alot of r63b hotels. Try and find an English hotel using the Emulator you're on (Or a similar) and copy the furnidata from them.
  3. zMagenta

    Client Problem

    If you read above, he uses a cracked Emulator. If you knew the rules of this section, we don't support cracked. But I'd heavily advise you to buy a license or use BcStorm/r63b or r63 based emulation.
  4. zMagenta

    Worse than tampon video! (Child abuse)

    That is horrible. I saw it upto 30 seconds and had to turn off - People are sick.
  5. zMagenta

    Video Banned Skittles Advert

    I did have a check and couldn't see it.. :up: I think it is fake.. Not sure. If it is, they worked hard on making it look real.
  6. zMagenta

    Video Banned Skittles Advert

    I laughed so hard.
  7. zMagenta

    Retro Habbo Retros taking over Habbo.COM?

    I agree with most from above, but some of the ideas Habbo must be discussing to eliminate retros would be amusing.
  8. zMagenta

    Far Cry 3

    Just bought it. (3 days ago) But game for ages, imo.
  9. zMagenta

    Video Disabled Song

    dum dum It's because she's foreign, the subtitles are for english speakers. (I think)
  10. zMagenta

    Video Disabled Song I found it funny, lmao. Get ready for the ending..
  11. zMagenta

    Where is the RevCMS 3 download thread?

    It was removed for the time being. I think it was due to the amount of bugs within the CMS.
  12. zMagenta

    Hey mate. Interested in a paid job? Willing to pay $15-$20 to fix up BcStorm/Bfly. Interested?

    Hey mate. Interested in a paid job? Willing to pay $15-$20 to fix up BcStorm/Bfly. Interested?
  13. zMagenta

    [REL] A better ban checker [1.X.X]

    Worked great! Highly liking this! :up:
  14. zMagenta

    [REL] A better ban checker [1.X.X]

    Thanks Craig. Implementing to my hotel now. Just scanning through the code and it looks like it'll work a dream.
  15. zMagenta

    Your first gaming accounts.

    Habbo in 2006. (jamez503) MechQuest in 2007. (Not a clue what my username was) Adventure Quest Worlds in late 2007 - 2009. (ronaldo999) Habbo retros then from early 2009 to now. (Only into developing, under the name of zMagenta/Maelfic) :up:
  16. zMagenta

    (UberCMS) Me Page Jumbled ?

    Update your web-build! :)
  17. zMagenta

    what the best CMS

    There's a heck of alot released for Rev. You take a look here and in google; you'll be sure to find something you like.
  18. zMagenta

    How to Fix this

    Do all this below; 1) Go to your external_variables in your client and make sure the link is correct. 2) Look in your external variables, and check 2-3 are correctly linked. 3) Make sure everything is linked within client.php Clear cache, reload, and it should work.
  19. zMagenta

    Post your desktop!

    Nope. I paid £10 for them to back up the HDD ;).
  20. zMagenta

    Post your desktop!

    Indeed I did. ;D Only took 8 days.. I was amazed. :D