Nope, it's on a proper domain... This happens at random too, also here:
## Phoenix 3.0 System Configuration File
## Licence Information
## Licence Server Information
## MySQL Configuration...
Hi, I need help using phoenix EMU
1.) - Everytime my emulator gets a certain amount of users, we just drop back to 0 it keeps doing that at random, anyone knows how to fix it?
2.) if you cant fix it, do you have a good and working download for phoenix emulator...
Hotel name; Plabbo
Online users [Yes/No]: Yes
Hotel Logo (Not important): Can make one
Text on banner (Not important): Can put anything.
Any extra information:
Well, from what I've heard/experienced running an R63 RP is tricky, there are some good RP emulators that'll be a good base, BUT 99% of them are incomplete projects.
I'm using bcStorm emulator, leensters edit and whenever I load the emulator and try loading my client, my client doesn't load...
Like it says "Hotel name loading" but then after it completes loading that, it just stays black...
Here's a prntscr
Any idea...
Hotel Name: Plabbo
Hotel Logo: Make one please.
Banner: One in your work. The demo one
Small Text: R63B | Hiring Staff | Great Community | Join Today |
Avatar: Make it say users online please.
I have two problems with horses.. I've never experienced the first problem so I'm not too sure how to fix it..
But the first problem is when I purchase my horse and try to place it into my room, my avatar image disappears/moves around.. Not sure why this is happening.
Then my...
I've fixed that, it works... but even when typing shutdown in the emulator, it still doesn't save the furniture in the room/
It still didn't work. Is there anything else Ican try?
I was wondering is SwiftEMU better than bcstorm, or nope.
Second question, is therea release with this already fixed of bcstorm?
I was wondering how would I fix this error?
Whenever I place a furniture item in the room, it stays but if I reboot my emulator whatever is in that room it'll be gone.. like it doesn't save the furniture items in the room, the same thing with pets.. they are gone.
\Any idea how to...
sorry, I'm not familiar with doing this.. could you explain to me what I would have to do to give you this information. Sorry I've never done that before.