Hello, just heard the news of MySQL not being used anymore in the new PHP update. So I am starting to get used to MySQLi now since i have never quite used it before.
So, here we go. This is just as new to me as it is to a 'noob' so please feel free to correct me if i have done something wrong...
Hello. I was just wondering..............
I was on a forum and was hearing lots of people talk about 'MySQL is about to be depricated'.
Is this true?
If so, what happens to developers? Will MySQLi now be a substitute for MySQL?
New habbo index.
WambaPHP Build 1.0.0b
Hello. When i was in the development of CookieMS i never released any betas or that, so now i will with my new project.
Whats Included-
MySQL Class.
Template Class.
Habbo Template index page.
Custom web-gallery.
You may develop upon it if...
Sure. (dev thread http://devbest.com/threads/development-wambaphp-the-c_cms-that-does-everyhting-development.24188/#post-155018)
This is all that is done.