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  1. DaLightz

    Show DevBest [TuT]Maintenance Mysql/PHP[TuT]

    Nicely done young fella.
  2. DaLightz

    Roc CF [Coldfusion] [Phoenix/Uber]

  3. DaLightz


    Cms? Emulator?
  4. DaLightz

    [DEVELOPMENT] Twitter Me Page

    That's moar deeper then anal.
  5. DaLightz

    [DEVELOPMENT] Twitter Me Page

    I sure do hope you don't keep it as that live demo shows. It looks to non habbo. Try some habbo implementation into that page, aswell as images etc.
  6. DaLightz

    [RELEASE] RevCMS - Twitter Index

    Seexi shit.
  7. DaLightz


    That's most likely your swfs.
  8. DaLightz

    [Development] WambaPHP- The C_CMS that does everyhting! [Development]

    It's not 24/7This will soon be merged with SuperCMS (Weytin)(based off Wamba), as one big project.
  9. DaLightz

    SuperCMS - [PHP, MySQL, OOP]

    WambaPHP* - And, he is working off the developer release. It's licenced as free and editable software. Sort of like a framework. Don't waste yo' time with that admin system. I've done it already, it should be availible in the next WambaPHP Developer Release
  10. DaLightz

    SuperCMS - [PHP, MySQL, OOP]

    LOL wait, it is based off of WambaPHP xD\ Oh ok. Thanks for credits though :) I hope to see this finished mister.
  11. DaLightz

    SuperCMS - [PHP, MySQL, OOP]

    I know fo' sho' that index is from WambaPHP. Even my place holders are there x]
  12. DaLightz

    Happy Birftay!

    Happy Birftay!
  13. DaLightz

    [Development] WambaPHP- The C_CMS that does everyhting! [Development]

    Still in development, just hadn't done much due to school. Don't forget to view the demo, It works!
  14. DaLightz

    Roc CF [Coldfusion] [Phoenix/Uber]

    Ah, i see you moved from that old template.
  15. DaLightz

    RevCMS 3.0 Error

    Should be availible in the RevCMS section of the forum. RevDB.
  16. DaLightz

    RevCMS 3.0 Error

    The table: Webnews does not exist.
  17. DaLightz

    Epic stuffs

    I always knew Herobrine was g0d.
  18. DaLightz

    Epic stuffs

    Nuff' said.
  19. DaLightz

    [Development] WambaPHP- The C_CMS that does everyhting! [Development]

    The way I worded my post was a bit weird. I meant to go twords what you said. Let's say most of the features that were in Holo will be in this.