I remember this happening, but could likely be your VPS spiked in CPU... Meaning too much information. VPS's usually shut down if they get overloaded to preserve the shared users on that system.
After purchasing what? VIP?
Something specific like that sounds like you're going to have to implement it yourself. Plus, you'd also want it to send a MUS command so the credits update live on the client.
The habbo images look externally to grab an avatar. See if there are any blocks to habbo, etc.
Right click on the image that isn't shown and post the URL path.
First of all, calling people "fagits" won't get you anywhere in life, and secondly, I am looking for specific furniure that might be missing from this hof_furni. I never said I didn't have it working, I do, but it is missing some furni. So grow up before you post, and post something useful.
How do you have Cloudflare setup?
Is it just xenon.pw/swfslinkhere
Or rather on a subdmain like swfslinkhere.xenon.pw?
There are certain functions in cloudflare where you can set the TTL (Time of how long cache stays) Maybe that's set to every 5 minutes. PM me if you'd like.
Make sure:
1) The .swf file for that furni is in the hof_furni location (with all the other furni)
2) Your catalog_items item_id column matches the furniture item_id column.
3) The sprite_id column in the furniture table matches the correct id in furnidata.txt
-Example: (furnidata)...
I believe TopHat was tring to add custom clothing, so I'm not sure why some clothes show up, and some don't.
Here is the current figuredata.xml we are using. http://pastebin.com/Q7dhjAj4
Makaveli, there was no technical problem, rather SabIsSharp just wasn't familiar enough with the database and could not properly change the catalog. All I did was show him around, and did a bit of cleaning up of some pages.
OnTopic: SabIsSharp, You're going to need to do some basic searching. You will need to:
1) Go on your hotel, find an item in the catalog you need to change/delete. You are looking at what the page of the catalog the furni is in. For example "Customs".
2) Take this information to your database...