Search results

  1. ItsNick

    Hello! Can nobody help me?

    Well, you'd need to post the error the browser is throwing at you. We can't help you if you don't describe the problem... Posting a script with no explanation of what's wrong doesn't help anyone. Please provide more details?
  2. ItsNick

    Help me get online.

    Some VPS providers disable remote desktop at first, or you need to install the OS first using VPN (this can usually be found within the client area, or in your service creation email). If you mean you're stuck with where to purchase them, search online for providers. Choose the one that best...
  3. ItsNick

    Help me get online.

    There are also plenty of tutorials here; follow one, if you get stuck then post a thread with a detailed explanation of where you are stuck ;)
  4. ItsNick

    [Help] Build me a habbo retro

    You're looking at a lot more than that to have something reliable... A decent VPS will run you $20-50, depending on what you get. Then a domain will be approximately $10 more also depending which TLD you choose. DDoS protection will just add to that. All I can say is be very careful who you...
  5. ItsNick

    Want a sub?

    The horned melon (Cucumis metuliferus) aka the Blowfish Fruit. Any subs fine :)
  6. ItsNick

    [Help] Emulator R63B

    Well what were you expecting? Each one has their downsides...
  7. ItsNick

    [Help] Emulator R63B

    It really depends what style you like more; again personal preference. In my opinion RevCMS looks better. I dunno what Sulame did, but their new site is barely readable and nothing stands out. It just looks like a blue page with text everywhere.
  8. ItsNick

    [Help] Emulator R63B

    I wasn't trying to use sarcasm... Just didn't want to post rival forums, you know.
  9. ItsNick

    [Help] Emulator R63B

    I'm afraid I could find anything here. Try searching google...
  10. ItsNick

    [Help] Emulator R63B

    It all comes down to personal preference I suppose, but the one that seemed to catch my eye was Azure. (For now)
  11. ItsNick

    Send commands to Phoenix via PHP

    You also need to make sure the server can handle such commands. Search for something like MusSocket.cs, or similar... it will have a list of commands you can run through MUS.
  12. ItsNick

    Service Badges/Logos

    Do you have any previous work that we could see?
  13. ItsNick

    Client loads up fully then disconnect

    I noticed you have a lot of https:// (secure links) instead of http:// (un-secure) in your variables. You should make them all http:// and see what happens. Make sure to clear your cache everytime. If you don't have a SSL certificate on your website, those links will not work.
  14. ItsNick

    Client loads up fully then disconnect

    Try a new SWF pack.
  15. ItsNick

    Emulator error

    Have you added the structure to catalog_rotw?
  16. ItsNick

    RevCMS Scripts

    Pretty simple.. And you can even order it by who was online last. $getStaff = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE rank <=5 AND online = 1 ORDER BY last_online DESC LIMIT 1"); For your newest users... $getUserInfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY account_created DESC LIMIT 1");
  17. ItsNick

    Coding New Page

    You can't have dashes in that type of rule. Like Jaycustom said, make it coowners. Btw, sometimes you don't always get it your way. Sucks doesn't it ;P
  18. ItsNick

    MUS Commands - R2.1

    Hey there, I'm looking for more MUS commands for MusSocket.cs Currently I have only :ha working. The PHP code I have is <?php function send_MUS($command,$data) { $data = $command . chr(1) . $data; $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'))...
  19. ItsNick

    Video [UPDATE] Sets self on fire

    lol... ahhhh shiiii. Looks like he was trying to swim in the shower.
  20. ItsNick

    Video Don't play with fire, kids!

    LOL .. @8:50 ... Good morning sir, Learning After Effects 3D? Here's a tutorial...