Hotel name; nutRP
Online users [Yes/No]: no
Hotel Logo (Not important):
Text on banner (Not important): R63 | Brand new RP | Corps | Custom Commands | Join today!
Any extra information: could you include speech bubbles with both of these 2 avatars
Me - Make...
I have LOOKED everywhere.
All the ones that look good, downloads don't work!
I need,
R63 RP, please and must be compatable with REV!
Tagging RP God's:
I am using Phoenix 3.11.0, and my users page has Respects and I want to keep it like that.
But, in-game we don't have respects.
My user_stats is set to three, its just not in-game.
Usually this happens, I clear cache. Reload page it's there. If not, I don't worry about it, and pretty soon it updates!
Don't worry it should be there by now.
You shouldn't be getting this error.
If you want the emulator to shutdown properly and not lose data do as Sledmore said.
In the EMU type :shutdown and it saves all data to database, and reboot it!
If that doesn't work I have no idea. Never had this issue.