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  1. jayk

    Service RetrosList Banners [@theZymf]

    Hotel name; nutRP Online users [Yes/No]: no Hotel Logo (Not important): Text on banner (Not important): R63 | Brand new RP | Corps | Custom Commands | Join today! Any extra information: could you include speech bubbles with both of these 2 avatars Me - Make...
  2. jayk

    Feedback [Habbo Theme] RevCMS - Index

    I like this, might install it onto my hotel! Thanks though Jake!
  3. jayk

    First Devbest Release, RevCMS Staff Page.

    Very nice, setting it up as we speak! Having trouble adding the biographies to the website though.
  4. jayk

    Best R63 RP.

    Tagging more people for help! @Kieren @Lepos @Legion Please help me! :D
  5. jayk

    SOLVED. Staff Chat available for users with rank 2 and higher [Phoenix 3.11.0]

    Why would you want VIP's to have staff chat? Anywho, I believe this is in permissions_ranks table in DB.
  6. jayk

    Best R63 RP.

    Yes, I do NOT want to use Reallity. I wanted to use BlackBird, but it has a license check. Sledmores edit download link is broke.
  7. jayk

    Best R63 RP.

    I have LOOKED everywhere. All the ones that look good, downloads don't work! I need, SWF's: DB: EMU: R63 RP, please and must be compatable with REV! Tagging RP God's: @Sledmore
  8. jayk

    Pluz ASE, For RevCMS *Sexy*

    Any mirrors, appears file was removed.
  9. jayk

    [HELP] Daily Respects

    I am using Phoenix 3.11.0, and my users page has Respects and I want to keep it like that. But, in-game we don't have respects. My user_stats is set to three, its just not in-game.
  10. jayk

    Recruiting Gaming Team

    I would like to be apart of this for Black Ops 2. But, it seems there is no Xbox Team!
  11. jayk

    What subscriptions/account upgrades changes do you want to see?

    That would be niceM I like the ability to close own threads. Maybe, add a color or 2. Make pink elite. Add more sections. Etc.
  12. jayk

    [HELP] Whats a good Program [HELP]

    They looks nice, are you using paint.NET?
  13. jayk

    Logo won't change?

    Usually this happens, I clear cache. Reload page it's there. If not, I don't worry about it, and pretty soon it updates! Don't worry it should be there by now.
  14. jayk

    CMS For RP?

    Would these work for v26 RP's? As I am in the process of making one.
  15. jayk

    RevCMS theme error

    I don't recommend using XAMPP as its unsecured. But, show us the error line and about. 5 line before it and 5 after it as well.
  16. jayk

    [R63B] Room issues.

    You shouldn't be getting this error. If you want the emulator to shutdown properly and not lose data do as Sledmore said. In the EMU type :shutdown and it saves all data to database, and reboot it! If that doesn't work I have no idea. Never had this issue.
  17. jayk

    Request R63B HotelView

    I need a R63B hotel view as well! I hate the default one, it has Habbo writing on it! If someone could make me a custom one, I would love you!!
  18. jayk

    Nav Emulator - [JAVA] - [NETTY SOCKETS] - [BONECP / JDBC]

    Looks like it has some potential! Any updates though? I want to use a unique and new emulator. If this runs smoothly, I might use it!
  19. jayk

    RevCMS Theme (ThisHabbo)

    Looks really nice, just not my style! Good work though, it might have caught my eye with the navigation on top! 7/10 good work! Keep it up man!
  20. jayk

    How To Setup Cloudflare For a Habbo Retro

    I thought Cloudflare was $300? Is there like a free version or something? Good tutorial though,