For the hotel not working from using the domain (not on the server) it is probably the needed ports aren't open. Are you using xampp or IIS.
For the inventory problem it must be an issue with your swfs. Make sure everything is correct In your external_variables.txt and your client ( in your...
hi, so I'm learning to code c# amd I am playing around with Astro/Reality. I'd like to make a command so it would send a room alert. I've been looking around in stuff like moderationhandler.cs for help but can't find a way.
The :ha code is...
IM making a rp on my laptop for fun, everythings working fine but the furni swfs. I've changed it all in external variables but still won't work!
If you don't know what i mean...
So I'm trying to make a hotel on my laptop (Not hamachi or anything) just for myself for educational purposes and maybe for fun with building and stuff. I know quite a lot about making hotels but I often have issues. I've installed all the swfs perfectly but I think it might be something to do...