Client on localhost help please!


Feb 5, 2013
So I'm trying to make a hotel on my laptop (Not hamachi or anything) just for myself for educational purposes and maybe for fun with building and stuff. I know quite a lot about making hotels but I often have issues. I've installed all the swfs perfectly but I think it might be something to do with my phoenix config or my ubercms config. I don't really understand what Game TCP/IP Configuration and MUS configuration is.. If anybody could help me out. If you think i've set those things up right then could you maybe ask me to post something else like external_varibales or something as I'd really like to get this set up. My db is defenitly set up right.

Anyway here is my phoenix config


    // Site Settings
    //        - WWW (The full URL of your site. Eg. Doesn't end in a slash (/))
    $config['Site']['www'] = "http://localhost";

    // Emulator Settings
    //        - Emu (Can be Butterfly or Phoenix ; respective to the emulator on your hotel)
    $config['Emulator']['Emu'] = "Phoenix";

    // MySQL Settings
    //        - Hostname (The Hostname of your MySQL server. Usually
    //        - Username (The username you have to your MySQL server. Default is root.)
    //        - Password (The password to your MySQL username. I can't tell you this.)
    //        - Database (The name of your database your data is in.)
    $config['MySQL']['hostname'] = "localhost";
    $config['MySQL']['username'] = "root";
    $config['MySQL']['password'] = "googlemail";
    $config['MySQL']['database'] = "ubercms";

    // MUS Settings
    //        - Enabled (Do you want to enable MUS?)
    //        - IP (The ip you want to send mus connections to)
    //        - Port (The port you want to send mus connections to)
    $config['MUS']['enabled'] = "true";
    $config['MUS']['ip'] = "";
    $config['MUS']['port'] = "30001";
And ubercms config
// Reverse Proxy & Cloudflare Settings
    //        - Reverse Proxy (do you have nginx mirroring or forwarding the content from an apache backend?)
    //        - Cloudflare (do you have cloudflare enabled on your domain or subdomain the cms is on?)
    $reverseproxy['enabled'] = true;
    $cloudflare['enabled'] = false;

    // Blocking VPN services
    //        - Block VPNs
    $vpn['block'] = true;
    $vpn['block_message'] = "You can't come on here Mr. VPN";

    // VPN Block list
    //     - Blocked hosts (How this works is you enter part of the hostname eg hotspotshield that you dont want accessing the site, i've included examples)
    $vpn['blocked_hosts'] = array(

    // Basic Site Settings
    //        - Site Name (Your Hotel name)
    //        - Short name (Hotels short name)
    //        - Master ID (The ID of the person who owns the server, there can be only 1.)
    //        - Enable ID Flagging (If someone disputes a VIP purchase or fails a pin code, terminate the account)
    //        - Enable Pincodes (Enable a PIN code on entry to the client for ranks minrank+)
    //        - Pincode (The 4 digit combination key.)
    //        - Pincode minrank (The minimum rank to hit the combination lock upon client entry)
    $site['name'] = "Solar Hotel";
    $site['short_name'] = "Solar";
    $site['master_id'] = "1";
    $site['enable_id_flagging'] = false;
    $site['enable_pincodes'] = false;
    $site['pincode'] = '1111';
    $site['pincode_minrank'] = '5';
    $site['contact_email'] = "[email protected]";
    $site['twitter_account'] = "zaphotelnet";
    $site['facebook_account'] = "ZapHotel";

    // Voting settings
    //        - TheHabbos (Do you want to enable TheHabbos voting?)
    //        - TheHabbos username (What is your hotels username on TheHabbos?)
    //        - TheHabbos return url (Where do you want your users to return to? Replace / with !)
    //        - TheHabbos disable index voting (Do you want to disable index voting?)
    $voting['thehabbos_enabled'] = false;
    $voting['thehabbos_username'] = 'Zappy123';
    $voting['thehabbos_returnurl'] = 'http:!!!?novote';
    $voting['disable_index_vote'] = false;

    // Server settings
    //        - Butterfly SSO system enabled (Do you use the Butterfly server by Martinmine?)
    //        - Phoenix SSO system enabled (Do you want to enable Phoenix's secure sessions?)
    //        - Default Motto (What is the default motto you want users to have?)
    //        - Default Credits (What is the default credits you want to have?)
    //        - Default Look (What is the default look you want to have?)
    //        - Default room (What is the room you want users to go to on their first visit)
    //        - Default rank (What is the default rank of new users)
    $server['butterfly_sso'] = false;
    $server['phoenix_secure_sessions'] = false;
    $server['default_motto'] = "I love " . $site['short_name'] . " more than anything!";
    $server['default_credits'] = 15000;
    $server['default_pixels'] = 15000;
    $server['default_look'] = "";
    $server['default_room'] = "8";
    $server['default_rank'] = "2";

    // Client settings
    //        - Server IP (The ip your emulator is listening on)
    //        - Server Port (The port your emulator is listening on)
    //        - Productdata (Where your productdata is located)
    //        - Furnidata (Where your furnidata is located)
    //        - External Texts (Where your external texts are located)
    //        - External Variables (Where your external variables are located)
    //        - SWF Base Directory (The directory your Habbo.swf is in)
    //        - Habbo.swf (The location of Habbo.swf)
    //        - Client Starting (The text you want to display when the client loads.)
    $client['connection_info_host'] = "";
    $client['connection_info_port'] = "30001";
    $client['productdata_load_url'] = "http://localhost/r63/productdata.txt";
    $client['furnidata_load_url'] = "http://localhost/r63/furnidata.txt";
    $client['external_texts_txt'] = "http://localhost/r63/external_flash_texts.txt";
    $client['external_variables_txt'] = "http://localhost/r63/external_variables.txt";
    $client['swf_base_dir'] = "http://localhost/r63/";
    $client['habbo_swf'] = "http://localhost/r63/habbo.swf";
    $client['client_starting'] = "Please wait. Solar is starting! :D";

    // Website front-end settings
    //        - Footer Links (What you want to display in the links area of the footer.)
    //        - Footer text (What text you want under the links area of the footer. I would appreciate the credits be kept there :D)
    //        - Online users text (What the frontpage says in the speech bubble for users online)
    //        - Online users text (What the rest of the site says for users online)
    $frontend['footer_links'] = "<a href='%www%'>UberCMS</a> | <a href='%www%/refund_policy'>Refund Policy</a> | <a href='%www%/forum'>Forum</a>";
    $frontend['footer_text'] = "Powered by UberCMS 2.0, Copyright &copy; 2010 - 2012 Meth0d & Jonty";
    $frontend['online_text_fp'] = "players online now!";
    $frontend['online_text_reg'] = "user(s) online";

    // Vemba Ads Settings - I needed this personally so I added it for you. to sign up.
    //        - Enable Vemba ads (Do you want to enable Vemba ads?)
    //        - Vemba ID (User id/site number for
    $vemba['enable'] = false;
    $vemba['id'] = "33";

    // Misc Settings
    //        - Housekeeping Login Footer (The footer you want on HK login page)
    //        - Housekeeping login phrase (The text you want on the HK login page)
    //        - Maintenance text (What you want to show on the orange area on the maintenance page)
    $misc['hk_login_footer'] = "Powered by UberHK. Copyright &copy; 2010-2012 Meth0d & Jonty";
    $misc['hk_login_phrase'] = "Welcome to the UberCMS Housekeeping";
    $misc['maintenance_text'] = "Uber is currently under an expected maintenance break. Please stay calm and keep your hair on, we'll be back soon.";
    $misc['staff_about'] = "The Uber staff are here to enhance your experience on our hotel. They host events, and keep the environment safe. You can recognise a staff member by their badge.";

    // Imaging settings
    //        - Web Gallery location (Where your images are hosted, no ending slash)
    //        - C Images location (Where your c_images are hosted, no ending slash)
    $imaging['web_gallery'] = "http://localhost/web-gallery";
    $imaging['c_images'] = "http://localhost/r63/c_images";
and uber system config

    // Site Settings
    //        - WWW (The full URL of your site. Eg. Doesn't end in a slash (/))
    $config['Site']['www'] = "http://localhost";
    // Emulator Settings
    //        - Emu (Can be Butterfly or Phoenix ; respective to the emulator on your hotel)
    $config['Emulator']['Emu'] = "Phoenix";

    // MySQL Settings
    //        - Hostname (The Hostname of your MySQL server. Usually
    //        - Username (The username you have to your MySQL server. Default is root.)
    //        - Password (The password to your MySQL username. I can't tell you this.)
    //        - Database (The name of your database your data is in.)
    $config['MySQL']['hostname'] = "localhost";
    $config['MySQL']['username'] = "root";
    $config['MySQL']['password'] = "googlemail";
    $config['MySQL']['database'] = "ubercms";

    // MUS Settings
    //        - Enabled (Do you want to enable MUS?)
    //        - IP (The ip you want to send mus connections to)
    //        - Port (The port you want to send mus connections to)
    $config['MUS']['enabled'] = "true";
    $config['MUS']['ip'] = "";
    $config['MUS']['port'] = "30001";
    // ***********************************************
    // ***********************************************


Thanks, I hope someone can help me :)
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The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
Mar 23, 2012
Good to know you're using my tutorial! :)

Although your thread is all over the place, and it's hard to help when it's this messy.

Try putting it in
tags or something like that.


The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
Mar 23, 2012
Yeah but I plan to set it up on my VPS sometime soon

Could you link me to a revcms? With a nice/or new habbo index page?

RevCMS is the CMS, but for the templates you need to get RevCMS skins.

If you like UberCMS - I'd advice you to get the Habbo theme which can be found by our great friend called Google!


Posting Freak
May 19, 2013
Yeah but I plan to set it up on my VPS sometime soon

Could you link me to a revcms? With a nice/or new habbo index page?
You could use the theme I released;

But if you want Uber you don't have to edit the Mus shit(I don't have to do so anyway when I setup Uber.)

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