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  1. Rubber

    [REQ] RadioCMS

    radipanel is something i like but want it more habbosisch and wit lot more features on it
  2. Rubber

    [REQ] RadioCMS

    i did but a lot of them are messed up. I just want to have a good working one like the links i provide on the start. And if someone want to have some money for it i will pay if it's a good en clean design and also good working like i want
  3. Rubber

    [REQ] RadioCMS

    Well there is it just like a habbo retro but with a lot of features for example Dj say, timetable, small webbased games, built in forum, radio player, request/shout line etc etc
  4. Rubber

    [REQ] RadioCMS

    You got a link to it ? Because when i try to search such things on google i come up with old crappy stuff
  5. Rubber

    [REQ] RadioCMS

    Hello people, I'm looking for a good RadioCMS like or If someone can help me to get a good working RadioCMS please tell me I'm also able to pay for a good system but want to see and check it out first (live demo) Regards, Rubber
  6. Rubber

    req how to add guide bot?

    Okay thanks alot :)
  7. Rubber

    req how to add guide bot?

    okay i just get bot part out of nike cms then hope that will work out Edit : Now i got it working but if i ask for the guide bot then go to other room and try to get him again a message says there are no guides avaidable at this moment. How can i fix to let it update automaticly
  8. Rubber

    req how to add guide bot?

    I allready did that but it still disconnect me
  9. Rubber

    req how to add guide bot?

    i did that made a new bot made it a guide and gave id 1
  10. Rubber

    req how to add guide bot?

    someone know how to add a guide bot to my hotel i use phoenix emulator everytime i call the guidebot my client disconnect
  11. Rubber

    [REL] radiPanel Edit

    someone got downloadlink?
  12. Rubber

    Comet Java Emulator

    what is this ?
  13. Rubber


    if i see the error it has to do with archievements. Probally there is a bug on someone that got a archievement.
  14. Rubber


    You set up youre config file correctly in the config file of youre server? You use the good database?
  15. Rubber

    Mercury 3.2 Catalog [Updated]

    This is amazing thnx gonna try it
  16. Rubber

    Feedback First gif banner.

    looks pretty awesome maybe if u can fix something that habbo's are waving or walking 8/10
  17. Rubber

    Imagine ~ Excel above the rest (Mutli Theme, Page Editor, Mutli DB)+

    you gonna release a beta version I think it looks very nice at the moment
  18. Rubber

    Retro Is Devbest's habbo community dying?

    I agree on that but i mean with thousends of cms systems all edits