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  1. AlexFallen

    Habbo R63 Client NOT Working!! Please Help!

    Or he can wait for RevEMU or find some other open source EMU like Baal.
  2. AlexFallen

    Habbo R63 Client NOT Working!! Please Help!

    EDIT: Get some money, go find a VPS site, and go to OS and buy a License.
  3. AlexFallen

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    Can't wait for this release. Been waiting a long time :D
  4. AlexFallen

    Link to a "text logo" generator. There you are.
  5. AlexFallen

    How do I add a Custom

    Alright, put the SWF in hof_furni, run the SQL in the root database, why do you have image? LOL furnidata goes at the end of the furnidata.txt file in your swf folder.
  6. AlexFallen

    How to add a custom hotel view

    Oh wait. That's the client logo isn't it? -_-
  7. AlexFallen

    Latest SWFS

    Uh don't think so. But you can add them by finding them :D
  8. AlexFallen

    Latest SWFS

    You can check my sign, and see if my pack still works or not. Otherwise, I'm not sure.
  9. AlexFallen

    [DEV] DevourCMS v1.0.0 [PHP / OOP / MySQLi]

    Installer? Yes! Why not in this version tho?
  10. AlexFallen My partner bought this VPS about a week ago, but still hasn't gotten... My partner bought this VPS about a week ago, but still hasn't gotten it. As you can see, it still say "Unavailable"
  11. AlexFallen


    Yeah IK, but it was originally a licensed thing I believe. Haha I have it, so IK :D
  12. AlexFallen


    Technically it's not free, but it can be :D haha
  13. AlexFallen


    Butterfly? Baal?
  14. AlexFallen


    Pretty sure, because OS is down...
  15. AlexFallen

    [IIS] Problem

    Uhm, IDK then, it should've worked.
  16. AlexFallen

    [IIS] Problem

    Just move the index.php page from "/v1" to the root folder.
  17. AlexFallen

    [TUT] How to make a R63 Habbo Retro

    Would like to see some screenshots? I don't wanna set it up and then I not like FrostCMS. Thanks :D