Wouldn't that be something on your facebook? Maybe that was the page name from some earlier time. RevCMS doesn't even have Uber - the next gen of habbo as default so I hardly think it is Rev.
Red and black is't habboish though? I know it will be your theme but I just though i'll say.
On - topic. Kryptos Hope this is finished by the end of July and same goes to revemu!
Hey guys I was wondering if this was worth translating and releasing it to the community.
It is proCMS v4 and it looks a bit sexy.
Live demo; zerohabbo.nl
I will replace the yellow background on index and register to a habbo looking one.
Hey guys,
I was wondering how do I set a param. I have looked on Google and PHP.net but I can't anything. I want it when I go echo {example} for instance I want it to go 'Hello'.
I never said you couldn't do it, your making all this ofc I know you can do it I just thought it would be better so people don't have to expose themselves.