This is normally due to your SWF. This bug is quite common in habbo retros. I reccomend you try another SWF, If you want I'll find you one. If this continues to occur Ill be willing to help you. Phoenix is a way out-dated emulator so I also reccomend you get a new one. If you need any help inbox...
Your an idiot the SCREENSHOT you SHOWED US is even saying THE FUCKING PAGE IS NOT ON THIS SERVER, but okay its totally the swfs im not even going to argue, But you should trust someone that actually knows what their saying and makes sense pfft.
The screenshot there showed the page isnt on the server. Even if you had R63B swfs it would still load up however it would go black and the emulator wouldn't take the user connection. That screenshot means the client.php isnt correctly located in the app/tpl/skins/. However you probally...
Reality is hated to much lol ngl, But the whole 'ew its reality thing' is quite dum, RealityRP4 is going to be amazing I recon.
Anyway, billy you forgot to mention the :robstore and :robbank commands. :)
Your RP is alright, It doesn't crash as much as other reality RP's but could do with some...
Hi people im releasing's emulator.
PS: Try not to cry kerser </3 xx
Its not the newest one has dragunov, g36c etc on it, Use it share it do whatever you want with it <3.