Search results

  1. Janzeer

    Request help For habbo!

    Go to your staff.php, and find <img style="margin-top: -10px;" src="' .$member['look'] . '&size=m&direction=2&action=wav&direction=2&head_direction=3&gesture=sml"> And as you can see there would be &size=m in there so just change your size now...
  2. Janzeer


    It's because he doesnt have a default value, it's an empty column. So just go to users and design table, and give the column a value called 0.
  3. Janzeer


    If you were delete at column from database, you would have errors in your emulator. So I would recommend not to delete it and just place a default value as 0.
  4. Janzeer

    Mercury [HELP]

    As stated, post your error logs.
  5. Janzeer

    Client problem

    Change secure session from 1 to 0 in server settings.
  6. Janzeer

    PhantomCMS - Released because i won't develop this anymore.

    Looks clean and nice!
  7. Janzeer

    Newish Phoenix Sql

    Then use other emulators, there are loads for r63. :)
  8. Janzeer

    [Help] GTE Error [Urgent]

    I know that bud,I was asking for a solution to work gte with ip bans.
  9. Janzeer

    Newish Phoenix Sql

    Lol, what do you mean by doesn't allow you to?
  10. Janzeer

    [Tut] How to make a Habbo Retro with Xampp [Noob Friendly]

    Well detailed tutorial! Would be pretty much be useful for the noobs. :P
  11. Janzeer

    [Help] GTE Error [Urgent]

    Any idea of solution?
  12. Janzeer

    [Help] GTE Error [Urgent]

    Yeah. A fellaw yesterday, why is that so?
  13. Janzeer

    [Help] GTE Error [Urgent]

    Hey! Sorry but i am having this weird error where if my users try to enter the client the emulator detects it as my proxy's ip address, So i am not sure what is this. I tried to remove my proxy's and try but my emulator doesnt detect anything when i try it without proxy. i am using proxy from...
  14. Janzeer

    [Request] Habbo's latest update

    Hey! Recently Habbo went on a upgrade with tradeble clothes and many others. I know that some of the members here has the codes and knows how to implant them, it would be useful if someone could post the codes and stuff with a brief tutorial. Thank you! :)
  15. Janzeer

    [Request] Gold Tree Emulator (Shamike's Edit v4) (WITH WORKING SOURCE)

    A search engine would be useful the next time.
  16. Janzeer

    [HELP] Housekeeping, wrong password error.

    Check your hk, there might be a config.php for hk to connect.
  17. Janzeer

    Newish Phoenix Sql

    Google search phoenix 3.11.0 release and you'll find some.
  18. Janzeer

    Mercury Need Help

    Do you have Gordon file in your game? And also I see some, try to change them to localhost and see if it makes a difference.
  19. Janzeer

    Mercury Need Help

    Check your external variables. Anyways I see that there is an error on the top of the page, add this code in your management config to musk it. error_reporting(0);
  20. Janzeer

    Maintenance Work

    Suggest you do it the following time to get a experience or suggest you to watch while he does to learn. :P