Welcome To DevBest, I hope you find our many wonderful forums useful to you. Please note, We would APPRECIATE it if you searched for things in the forums. For this one time, since you are a noob, I have included the link to your resource...
Users DO add downloads. It is integrated with DevBest so that when you post something in the Habbo Releases forums it shows up on TheHabbos Download page.
On: Very Nice! I have been looking for one of these for a long time but the ones I find are always just too complicated.
OFF: Every Coder codes differently, if you don't like how he coded the script, don't use it.
To build a website with sitebuilder I would suggest Webs or Weebly.
If you want habbo layouts, visit: HabboEmotion, HabboGallery
Those are my best suggestions.
I thought a few people would say this and I would agree to an extent. However, not ALL of the infractions need to be public. If there is a reason why we can't see it, then by all means, hide it in a secure area.
IF you feel that a girl is cheating on you, then you probably have some problems that aren't worth fixing. Just end the relationship and you will find that things will get better.
I think that some infractions need to be logged publicly. I don't know about everyone else, but when someone gets banned, I am itching to know what they did. Please Note, This is Simply an idea. If you want to flame, feel free, but please have legitimate reasons as to why you dislike my idea.