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  1. Zaka

    PlusEmu and DDoS HELP

    I think more people should go for Apache instead of IIS, IIS is mainly working on ASP files, whilst Apache is made to run scripts like PHP and webscripts overall.
  2. Zaka

    :unmute doesn't work

    Why don't you just use :smute then? You can still decide for how long they should be muted?
  3. Zaka

    Website not loading on r63b retro

    That statement a bout HHVM being faster than PHP7 can be debated, nowadays there is barely any difference + PHP7 is quicker in some tests and HHVM in others. So it's not that big of a difference anymore really.
  4. Zaka

    Help for catalog, mobis that does not display! Please

    If you don't know how, or don't feel like it, you could just get a complete catalog, there are plenty of good ones out there.
  5. Zaka

    [REL] AfterCMS | Plus Emulator | PHP7

    I have two questions for you. When you talk about validating data, are you talking about the filter_var() method in PHP? Or just to make sure a input is an int if thats what u need etc? And the second question, couldnt't you just sanitize the input before it's submitted, and then just output the...
  6. Zaka

    PlusEmu and DDoS HELP

    Would love to see an example aswell, sounds like a good way to do it anyways. Otherwise, how about making the emulator take in the userid trying to connect or SSO ticket or something, and associate that with the latest IP logged by the cms or something? That could work aswell but needs some work...
  7. Zaka

    PlusEmu and DDoS HELP

    I don't know really how @Sentinel did it, but his way sounds smart, that way you would get the correct IP's aswell.
  8. Zaka

    Habbo Retros Or Habbo Roleplays?

    You could do the same with a regular emulator, I think the best would be the best of two worlds, basically you have both regular play and RP in the same place. You could have special RP rooms, or modes or something.
  9. Zaka

    PlusEmu and DDoS HELP

    oh okay, but they would still be visible tho if you opened the view-source ?
  10. Zaka

    PlusEmu and DDoS HELP

    But the ajax request goes to the emulator then to make sure that it has the right IP?
  11. Zaka

    PlusEmu and DDoS HELP

    If you have a strong server enough you could remove the TCP proxy so that the real IP shows, and just let 5 connections per IP = problem solved
  12. Zaka

    Help for catalog, mobis that does not display! Please

    He said that only in some pages nothing shows.
  13. Zaka

    :unmute doesn't work

    Or you just add them one by one directly in the database, open the table and go to the structure tab. From there you can add new stuff to the structure of each row.
  14. Zaka

    [PlusEmu] HomeRoom error Black Screen

    AFAIK, if the room id doesn't exist, you can still connect but you wont go into a room, you will be at the startpage. This sounds like something else.
  15. Zaka

    Help for catalog, mobis that does not display! Please

    Maybe you just don't have any items connected to that category/page? Try another catalog or insert items to that page via the database.
  16. Zaka

    Website not loading on r63b retro

    Maybe a ddos attack? Take a printscreen, this description is very vague...
  17. Zaka

    Youtube Channel.

    That would be a... Different... Approach haha
  18. Zaka

    BrainCMS / Help Required

    Remember that the ports might be blocked in the firewall, if you are unsure, start your emu and use an online portchecker.
  19. Zaka

    Decent, Affordable VPS Hosting for Habbo Retro?

    I will once again, as always, recommend Hostsavor, some people have had their issues with them, but they are probably kids and can't handle it when shit goes wrong. Personally I've had no issues with them and if there has been any issue they have gladly solved it for me pretty quickly. Also with...
  20. Zaka


    Remember to purge the cache on cloudflare if you use that and have caching enabled. I recommend turning of cache when working with the website, there is a quick-option for this.