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  1. Zaka

    Getting info and echoing

    Yeah it should be mysql_query if you are writing the code with mysql_ syntax. Not dbquery. And the user id should be the variable holding the user id.
  2. Zaka

    Show DevBest SocialCube - Latest social network.

    It feels like everything is closed around you. Another thing is that when you register, you are not able to choose gender, birth etc. If you have it like this, copying twitter and fb, why not do it properly then? ;)
  3. Zaka

    Show DevBest [Rate] HassanTech v2

    It would be easier for me to give you some feedback if I really knew what you are aiming for. Although I think you should have some green in the colorscheme. Eyes like green
  4. Zaka

    [PHP] Blank Response On POST

    CityNetwork it's a Swedish web hosting company
  5. Zaka

    [PHP] Blank Response On POST

    Depends on what you upload. Some hosting providers have their own system going through the code and such.
  6. Zaka

    [PHP] Blank Response On POST

    You clearly didn't understand my meaning. Sometimes when you upload something through FTP it can take a while for the code to update. Sometimes you don't have to wait at all, and sometimes you have to wait a couple of minutes.
  7. Zaka

    [PHP] Blank Response On POST

    I'm talking about web hosting.
  8. Zaka

    [PHP] Blank Response On POST

    It's an automated process but still sometimes it takes a while for the code to update.
  9. Zaka

    [PHP] Blank Response On POST

    Are you retarded or what?
  10. Zaka

    PHP error styling with css

    You are a male with a very limited vocabulary.
  11. Zaka

    [PHP] Blank Response On POST

    No, he said he had the code uploaded. When changing in the code, sometimes it takes a while before the code is replaced.
  12. Zaka

    [PHP] Blank Response On POST

    Sometimes it takes a while for the hosting company to update the code.
  13. Zaka

    PHP error styling with css

    Sometimes the server likes to just not work. Try restarting apache and empty cache.
  14. Zaka

    [CODING] Looking For a Teacher [/CODING]

    You wont get a teacher for free... Either you learn yourself. Or you pay. Time is money son!
  15. Zaka

    Need a coder.[Paying $$]

    You can PM me if still needed.
  16. Zaka

    Show DevBest | rabbit.paw - Fast File Sharing Service

    I like the design of the website, clean and easy
  17. Zaka

    MoonPHPi - Development - Brand new CMS in OOP PHP & MySQLi

    It's swedish for now but I will include a english language file. Don't worry :)